Throughout our entire lives we make many choices, like choosing what we want to eat for breakfast or what college we want to attend. In the narrative poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, the narrator describes stumbling upon two roads that diverge in a yellow wood and having to make a choice by picking a path. However, the journey that follows is what matters most as it molds the narrator’s character. Frost uses the poem to tell the reader that the choices we make in life matter. In the beginning
The Road Not Taken An anonymous person once said, “ Decisions are the hardest thing to make, especially when it is a choice between where you should be and where you want to be.” This saying depicts how decisions can be tough and how it can change the living of someone. This is comparable to the poem, “ The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost because it gives similar thoughts into making a decision that can change a person’s perspective. It illustrates how a person can face many challenges in their
The speaker in Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken” is a conflicted person, and to me is a man of mystery. However, as the reader of this poem we are drawn in by the undergoing a life-changing decision. He is contemplating the direction in which he will lead his life and is using that of a fork in the road to base his future on. The speaker is impulsive and adventurous, the reason that he has chosen the less traveled path. I am picturing a middle-aged man who may be having a midlife crisis. Moreover
The Road is not actually about the world ending –either with a bang or a whimper. The novel is about the journey of an unnamed father and his son in the aftermath of a mysterious unnamed global catastrophe. It can be read as a cautionary tale about human wickedness and depravity. Their pilgrimage takes them through a lifeless world, where food can no longer be grown. Physical and environmental destruction is unleashed by the apocalyptic catastrophe. It is the moral disintegration
Giving fuels our Youth The value on youth is such an amazing thing, we take for granted what younger people can do. But in the book “The Road”, a Boy and a Man traverse along an unknown wasteland. As the story progresses, the boy starts to shape his caretaker to remind him of lessons he was taught. “I want you to drink it...He took the can sipped it and handed it back.” (McCarthy 23). In this part of the book, he exemplified the act of sharing and balancing the scale between selfless and selfish
town. But the townspeople could see the other half of the crossroads, as could the few who traveled upon it. The dirt path led from nowhere to nowhere, and the other road, which was made of something far less substantial than earth, led to just about any destination one could think of. And an inn had sprung up where the two roads met, as inns are wont to do. Later, a little town had built itself around the inn. The town was just like any other town, and the inn like any other. Horses brayed in their
The poem “The Road Not Taken” was written by Robert Frost and includes a very interesting hidden meaning. Such a meaning is a lie told by the narrator that he says to himself to make himself feel proud. In this poem there is also an interesting narrator. He makes it feel as if this poem was written about you, the reader. In addition, Robert Frost uses symbolism to mark the different life choices by making them into two roads. The narrator in this poem creates a feeling of confusion about the travelers
Robert Frost wrote the poem “The Road Not Taken” in 1915. This poem was a part of the collected poems. It was called the collected poems. The poem is about a man or a woman that is faced with a decision that could change their life. Even though he/she makes a decision he/she is not completely satisfied. And he/she soon realizes that they may have made the right decision. As the poem continues, there are an abundance of themes that develop. Perhaps one of the themes that develop is the circle
is a poem called “The Road Not Taken” this poem will be analyzed and will at many times will be proven to have a true hidden meaning to said poem and how the author of the poem did not really intend for people to get the meaning that they got from the poem out of it. This will analyze the poem, talk about the authors and their take on the poem, and will talk about how the poem is easy to misunderstand. The author Michelle Lee looks at the full picture of the word’s “The Road Not Taken” according to
Analysis 1 – Road Rage Road Rage has become a widespread hazard on the nation’s congested, fast-paced roads, especially on highways. In fact, Road Rage is a serious national problem. Do you curse and honk your horn if a driver tries to cut you off, or slam on your brakes to annoy someone who’s tailgating? Aggressive driving, better known as “Road Rage”, occurs when furious motorists lose their temper over traffic disturbances. Almost every day you hear of another incident involving