The Fiction Behind the Pig Personality Profile Are personality tests truly accurate? Can they actually determine who we are? With the Pig Personality Profile, where and how we draw our pigs appears to determine what type of person each of us are. However, the creators of this test can only base it off of how the majority drew their pigs, and by how they feel. As for myself, I cannot relate to most of the test results. There are parts where it was somewhat right, but that is pure luck considering
What have I learned to date? I self-assessed and confirmed my personal profile as an ISTJ personality, checked out social and emotional intelligence, collaborated alongside a partner with an opposite personality for an assignment, and pondered the giving and receiving of feedback. Accordingly, my confirmed ISTJ profile, interprets as inward thinking, quiet contemplation, reserved, thorough, dependable, punctilious, practical, realistic, organized, values previous experience, and prefers working
A personality profile identified me as having an INFJ personality type. This personality type indicates preferences in four key areas; Introversion over Extraversion, Intuition over Sensing, Feeling over Thinking, and Judging over Perceiving. This personality type paints a picture of an individual who primarily lives focused internally utilizing intuition for data gathering with a secondary mode that is external with decisions based on feelings and a strong personal value system. (personalitypage
In doing my personality profile project, I learned new things, confirmed known things, and disagree with some information about myself. I will take this time to compare and contrast my new found information. I did not hear of a Jung Typology test before now. The one that I chose was Human metrics. The test showed that my personality was INFJ. Which, when I break it down it’s, Introvert (22%), which is a shy person who finds it hard to talk to others. intuitive (38%), which means that I understand
After taking the Jung Typology Test, I found validation concerning the ways I perceive myself, and my husband also recognized the close match. My personality profile per the Jung Typology Test revealed my category as an INJF (introvert, intuitive, judging feeling), with the highest percentage being 56% at ‘judging’ and the lowest referring to ‘feeling’ at 6%. The score for my ‘introversion’ shows at 50% and ‘intuitiveness’ at 31%, leaving me certain about the accurateness of the results. Overall
tests are designed to inform us of our personality, and advantages and disadvantages that may come with it. The goal is to characterize patterns of behavior, emotions, and thoughts that a person has carried throughout their lifetime. Understanding these patterns of yourself and of those around you is beneficial for group dynamics. The more you know and understand your personality the better you will be able to see how others view and react to you. Personality assessments can help us locate and change
I have to admit that I was skeptical at completing the personality profile. I thought, “How could a few questions determine everything about my management style”. When I received my results, I was astonished at how accurate these results portrayed my personality. While deciding which of my personality traits were advantageous and which were detrimental to my management style, I became conflicted as all of my scores can be portrayed as both positive and negative depending on the situation. I would
I have to admit that I was skeptical in completing the personality profile. I thought, “How could a few questions determine everything about my management style”. When I received my results, I was astonished at how accurately those results portrayed my personality. While deciding which of my personality traits were advantageous and which were detrimental to my management style, I became conflicted as all of my scores can be portrayed as both positive and negative depending on the situation. I
humans beings we are always interested to understanding what makes us perform the way we do in our daily lives. The Meyers-Briggs personality type test gives us a glimpse into ourselves. This paper will discuss the different aspects of my personality profile of ENTJ (Extravert, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging), plus the characteristics and validity of each personality type and its temperament; in my case is NT “The Rationals”, who love knowledge, ENTJ - "The Fieldmarshals". It will also discuss the
Blake Moreland personality profile report shows he has a supportive/cautious personality. Which means he is reserved and people oriented. He understands others and is concerning. Traits that fall into this category is supportive, stable, steady, and sweet. Also, he is reserved and task-oriented, and most likely to approach tasks carefully and is calculated. People want you on their team because you are a team player, supportive, and follow directions. Words that describe him are logical, predictable