
ISTJ Personality Profile

Decent Essays

What have I learned to date? I self-assessed and confirmed my personal profile as an ISTJ personality, checked out social and emotional intelligence, collaborated alongside a partner with an opposite personality for an assignment, and pondered the giving and receiving of feedback. Accordingly, my confirmed ISTJ profile, interprets as inward thinking, quiet contemplation, reserved, thorough, dependable, punctilious, practical, realistic, organized, values previous experience, and prefers working alone, or in limited groups, somewhat cool, stand-offish, and seldom social (Myers, 1998, p. 13; Hoover-Plonk, n.d.; Goleman, 2006). What presents the biggest challenge for me? Social skills, communication. In today's world of business, academia, and home life, social skills are a key function in a daily routine; the ability to interact, to network, not only one-on-one, but within larger groups of people. Whereas I have difficulty, an extroverted personality, who loves people and the social interaction with groups, adapts easier and communicates effortlessly. While I function and interact smoothly in a smaller group, especially my own work team, along with close family and friends, this can be construed as a narrow, or limited, set of social skills. …show more content…

Social skills and communication are a great segue into the subject of feedback. “In the purely instructional sense, feedback can be said to describe any communication or procedure given to inform a learner of the accuracy of a response” (Mory,

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