Oral hygiene

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    What Makes Oil Pulling?

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    • 25 Pages

    Introduction Oil pulling is a method that is being practiced for a long time and is one of the most effective methods for fighting against dental diseases like gingivitis, bad oral breath and plaque. This is a traditional method for curing dental floss and dates back to 3000 years. Having been originated from Ayurveda techniques, this is one of the best home remedy that has been tried and tested successfully. It involves the use of oil, preferably from coconut, sesame or sunflower and the oil is

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  • Decent Essays

    The Kayser-Jones brief oral health status examination (BOHSE) is important because “almost 70% of Americans 65 and older have no dental coverage” (McGinn-Shapiro, 2008). The reason why many older Americans lose dental insurance is because of retirement, and socioeconomics plays a role in obtaining oral disease. With this being said, the geriatric population is at risk for dental related problems like infection, tooth loss, disease, and cancer. So by the time the patient enters a nursing home, they

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    • 4 Pages
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  • Decent Essays

    Indirectly Dentist Essay

    • 1190 Words
    • 5 Pages

    in maintaining the systemic health of a pregnant woman by keeping her oral cavity healthy. Frequent visits to a dentist, twice brushing, flossing, using antibacterial mouth washes, tongue scraping avoids further complications. 31 Not only this but also diet is an important factor in maintaining oral health. 32 Usually, pregnant women crave for pickles, ice-creams, sweets etc., which lead to tooth decay and disturbs the normal oral environment. 33 The healthy diet should include calcium for healthy

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  • Decent Essays

    Human Tooth, Tooth Decay

    • 2256 Words
    • 10 Pages

    prophylactic measures, such as regular oral hygiene and dietary modifications, to avoid dental caries. Causes There are four main criteria required for caries formation: a tooth surface (enamel or dentin); caries-causing bacteria; fermentable carbohydrates (such as sucrose); and time. The caries process does not have an inevitable outcome, and different individuals will be susceptible to different degrees depending on the shape of their teeth, oral hygiene habits, and the buffering capacity of

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  • Best Essays

    Early Childhood Caries

    • 1583 Words
    • 7 Pages

    2013; 3 (1): M21-M24. 5. Kawashita, Yumiko, et al. “Early Childhood Caries” Department of Oral Health, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, 1-7-1 Sakamoto, Nagasaki, Pages 852-8588. 6. Mohebbi SZ, Virtanen JI, Vahid-Golpayegani M, Vehkalahti MM. Feeding habits as determinants of early childhood caries in a population where prolonged breastfeeding is the norm. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2008; 36:

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  • Decent Essays

    Dental floss to clean your teeth Every individual wants to look good and there is nothing better or more flattering than a beautiful, healthy smile. However, taking care of the teeth and gums is as important as maintaining those good looks. Proper oral hygiene helps to keep the mouth and teeth free of most common dental problems such as dental cavities, gingivitis (gum inflammation), periodontal (gum) diseases and bad breath. Gum diseases can have a detrimental effect on the heart and may even contribute

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  • Decent Essays


    • 778 Words
    • 4 Pages

    2010). Another way the company is trying to reach consumers is by educating them on the importance of good oral hygiene. Colgate has partnered with the National Coalition for Women with Heart Disease to promote the importance of good oral hygiene and how it relates to health (Chain Drug Review, 2010). Colgate has partnered with other organizations to help educate the link of oral hygiene and a person’s health. The company has partnered with several organizations and made donations of dental

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Over the years, the documentation of the patient’s oral health has remained fairly consistent. Chaz’s home care indicates he possess a good attitude towards oral hygiene and is highly motivated. He claims to brush two times a day, floss once a day, and uses Listerine mouth wash two times daily, yet his plaque index was fairly high, reaching 57%. At his final

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  • Decent Essays

    Most of us were taught at an early age that we must take care of our teeth, through brushing and flossing, but can lack of oral hygiene cause heart disease? While there have not been, enough studies done to prove that lack of oral hygiene can cause heart disease, taking care of your oral hygiene with proper care and nutrition may help decrease your chances of developing periodontal disease and heart disease. Gum disease or periodontal disease is caused by a sticky film of bacteria that has formed

    • 723 Words
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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Flossing Essay

    • 419 Words
    • 2 Pages

    If you have children, you probably know how difficult it is to get your child to do anything related to their oral health: brushing, flossing, and dentist visits. While it may not be easy—and your child may not like it—proper oral hygiene is important to their health. Once your child has gotten the hang of brushing, it is time to introduce flossing. If you are wondering how you will get your child to floss daily and enjoy it, use these four tips to make it happen: 1. Use the Proper Tools There are

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    Satisfactory Essays