
Kayser Jones Case Analysis

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The Kayser-Jones brief oral health status examination (BOHSE) is important because “almost 70% of Americans 65 and older have no dental coverage” (McGinn-Shapiro, 2008). The reason why many older Americans lose dental insurance is because of retirement, and socioeconomics plays a role in obtaining oral disease. With this being said, the geriatric population is at risk for dental related problems like infection, tooth loss, disease, and cancer. So by the time the patient enters a nursing home, they arrive with issues that were not treated in the past. The Kayser-Jones is an assessment tool that will help screen for oral related issues to patients in nursing homes, hospitalized patients, individuals with cognitive impairment, and residents at …show more content…

Other factors that play a role in poor oral care is being disabled and homebound because this also leads to not seeking any oral care. There is Medicaid for individuals 65 and above to get insurance for dental care, however the reimbursements for care are very low and does not cover the entire cost of the treatment. According to the Division of Oral health (2013), “About 25 percent of adults 60 years old and older no longer have any natural teeth.’’ The elderly being toothless indicates a problem with nutrition because being toothless affects mechanical digestion of food. Toothlessness causes the elderly to prefer soft chewable foods and might not prefer to eat essential foods such as fruits, lean meats, poultry, fish, and legumes. Additionally, according to the Division of Oral health (2013), “Oral and pharyngeal cancers, which are diagnosed in some 31,000 Americans each year, result in about 7,400 deaths each year.” The elderly make up the majority of these diagnosed cancers, and these cases are related to smoking and the use of alcohol. The prognosis for this type of cancer is low, with a five-year survival rate for whites being about 56% and African americans being only about 34%. In addition, many older Americans are have polypharmacy therapy, and medication can cause dry mouth. “The reduction of the flow …show more content…

There are some populations that did not have access to fluoridated drinking water, so to compensate for this, it is advised to use “fluoride toothpaste” (CDC, 2013). Fluoride toothpaste is good to prevent decay because it provides coat to work against sugar and the formation of plaque. Another recommendation is to have a routine for brushing teeth, and the recommendation is to brush ones teeth at least “2 times a day and floss with the nighttime brush” (Rebecca, 2017). This routine can reduce the chances of dental plaque build up and can also prevent periodontal disease or gum disease. A nurse screening for dental problems by using the Kayser-Jones is important, however it is more important to see a dentist regularly, even if they may have no teeth or dentures. The dentist is more capable for screening for cancer in the oral cavity. Some patient education is to avoid the use of “tobacco and alcohol” (CDC, 2013), and these 2 items affect the oral cavity by damaging the lining of the mouth and throat, and can increase the risk of cancer and infections. Also, for patients with cancer and would have “chemotherapy” (CDC, 2013) around the head and face; the patient may experience a damage of tissue cells around the mouth. This includes ulcerations in the mouth, loss of sensitivity to taste, and also a lack of the production of

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