there may be information missing but we are not aware as it is just numbers or words. None of the available data has been synthesized to extract full meaning. Information such as number of knee surgeries, range of motion and flexibility are all examples of data. The information phase of the continuum, would constitute the interpretation of such data. the acquired data is put it into context to retrieve information. The number of post total knee arthroplasty patients who used a CPM machine, is
Numerous years ago, two men would leave their village for one reason and one reason only. That reason was to meet in the dense forest west of their villages and race from the west end of it, to the east end of it. Now these men weren’t slow like other people are today. These men would run as fast as the wind in a hurricane. Even after their demise, the men will still race each other in spirit in every forest around the world today. Come relive their races today and ride the Rival Runners. In fact
Carbon has been known in ancient times in a variety of forms such as soot, graphite, diamond, and charcoal. However, scientist did not realize that all of these items shared the fact that they all contained carbon until 1772. In 1772, Antione Lavoiser named carbon as an element and completed a variety of experiments to learn more about it. Lavioser is credited with the discovery of carbon. Antione Lavoiser was a scientist who was born on August 26, 1743 in France. He is known for the discovery
William Golding’s first novel, Lord of the Flies, presents his pessimistic views on society and our primitive instincts. He demonstrates this through the setting of an inhabited island where a group of British schoolboys have been stranded. The entire story becomes a symbol for the theme Golding is developing, about the darkness within humanity. Within Lord of the Flies, William Golding highlights the flaws of society back to the flaws within human instincts, through the characters of Jack, Roger
We agreed upon this number because it is around twenty-five, which is a perfect square number that the program we used to process them needs a perfect square amount of images to process. We figured that if a few photographs did not turn out well, we could use the two extra that we took. When we were finished
The Math Autobiography of Jacqueline Gandara Mathematics is the study of the sciences of numbers, quantities, geometry and forms. ("Mathematics dictionary definition | mathematics defined", 2016) It is a subject that is simple as well as complex. Over the years I have learned that math is not my cup of tea. I think I liked it more when I was younger, when it was simple, and easier. I guess you could say that I liked basic math, like adding, subtracting, and multiplying. Growing up, I actually
If you take the prime number 379009 and look at it upside down you get the word Google!! But other prime numbers are far more interesting than this novelty. It's important to know, specifically, what exactly a prime number is. A prime number is an integer greater than one which has only two positive divisors; one and itself. If an integer is a whole number, then an example of a prime is the number two, which can only be divided by one or itself and yield a positive whole number. If you divide two by
that question, isotopes are a form of an element that differs in the number of neutrons in the nucleus but does not differ in protons of that element. An isotope in particular that contributed to society is Plutonium-238, which is understood to be a radioactive isotope. Understanding the basic structure according to the periodic table. Pu-238 has an atomic number of 94. This is what classifies it as plutonium due to its number of protons. The atomic mass, which is the sum of protons and neutrons
In Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, childhood and adolescence can be interpreted as a time of not being in full control of your instincts and barbaric impulses and not being mature enough to be civilized. Golding achieves this by using symbolism in his characters and showing the consequences of the boys making an impulsive decision. Several times throughout the novel, the children on the island choose to go with an impulsive decision instead of making the wiser, intelligent choice
cruel, brutal enough for "blood [to stain] the sand," but Ralph was not the key murderer in this death. During the killing "Roger ceased to be a pig and became a hunter," and "some of the littluns started a ring on their own," so there was a large number of people participating in this murder. Considering Ralph's other options he could have not participated and have no part in the murder, but since there was so many people contributing to the killing Simon still