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    Essay about History 276

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    • The Druze , who live in modern Lebanon and Syria, originated as a splinter group that believed that one of the Fatimid caliphs was the last incarnation of God. • The Fatimid empire weakened in the 12th century and was conquered by Salah al-Din

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    This resulted in four religious factions of power amongst the people in Lebanon, the Phalangist Party (mostly Maronites), the Druze, the Shi’i (Amal and Hezbollah) and the Sunni (Arab Army of Lebanon). For this reason, the country of Lebanon was in the midst of a civil war. With war on the arise and the Lebanese army incapable of bearing arms against fellow Muslims, the Phalangist

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    In the minds of people today, the Middle East is a country of terrorism, violence, and war. What they fail to realize is that there are reasons behind the instability in the region. There have been many factors that have contributed to the unsteadiness of the Middle East today. In addition to the collapse of the Gunpowder Empires, particularly the Ottoman Empire, the countries of the Middle East have also suffered from ongoing religious divisions, wars and revolts in the area, and western intervention

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    Kwame Anthony Appiah is a philosopher who deserves great recognition in this age. After earning his Ph.D at Cambridge University he went on to teach at many Ivy League schools. He wrote the book Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a World of Strangers which touches on many of the controversial topics of our present time and connects them to past problems that now seem to have a clear solution. Appiah 's discussions of various topics point out many of the difficulties faced by the HIV/AIDS victims, who are

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    as asserted their respective spheres of influence in the region. The borders drawn under this agreement, however, have caused crippling effects still felt today; the Syrian territory was comprised of a Sunni majority, and Alawite (a Shi’a sect), Druze and Kurdish minorities. The present day Syrian Arab Republic emerged from this agreement, and formally gained independence in 1945. The current Ba’athist Regime came to power in 1963 following a coup d 'etat led by an Alawite minority dominated military

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    Israel: Few Against Many Despite being one of the worlds’ smallest countries, Israel has prevailed in all conflicts since its independence from British rule in 1948. (U.S. Relations with Israel) If Israel is lost to the neighboring countries the United States will lose an important ally and strong presence in the Middle East. Despite all the controversy and conflict over the 7,850 square miles is home to some of the holiest sites of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. From the southernmost

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    Many different variables shape cultures throughout the world. Israel is a very small country and known for its political struggles over Palestinian territories, but many other variables define this country’s lifestyle. Throughout this particular Middle Eastern country, many operational environment variables identify how the cultures throughout are unique and shape how this country conducts its business. Israel is unique in the type of government they have compared to the other countries in

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    boosted by energy and mineral resources—electrical generation, mining, nuclear energy, and oil and natural gas—and industry and manufacturing. During the last five centuries, Syria has been occupied by Christians (Catholic, Orthodox, and others), Druze, Jews, Kurds, Shia Muslims (Alawis, Ismailis, and others), Sunni Muslim Arabs, and Yazidis. Despite that, Syrian society has still been overwhelmingly Muslim. While the development of economics and religion have changed Syrian history immensely, the

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    Haplogroup X History

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    The History of Haplogroup X Haplogroup X diverged from Haplogroup N more than 30,000 ybp (Benson and Glad, 2006). Haplogroup N originated in Africa and can be traced back to over 70,000 years ago. There are traces of haplogroup N in Western Asia around 30000 B.C. The atmosphere in Western Asia where haplogroup X originated from was desert-like with grasslands, deserts, and mountains. The summers were hot and dry which included a scorched climate with periods of heavy rain. The living conditions

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    Using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions of individualism/collectivism, context, chronemics, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculinity/femininity, and long-term/short-term orientation can help to compare and contrast America and Israel. America is located mainly in the Northern Hemisphere in the continent of North America. Israel is located in Asia, which is located in the Eastern and Northern Hemisphere. There are many things you will find similar when talking about two countries, but also

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