evening Ali, Your dream sounds very stressful. A hate when I dream about work and then have to wake up and go to work. To me it makes me feel like I didn't get any rest. Do you feel as though the dream dictionaries meanings of your dream had truth to them? For my dream that I listed in my forum I did not feel as if the dream dictionaries possible interpretation in my dream matched my interpretation on the dream. You had stated that you felt that your dream fits into, "using dreams as an effort of
Are Dream Dictionaries Reliable in Their Interpretation? Last Saturday, I was browsing the metaphysical section of Barnes and Nobles in Wilmington, NC, when I noticed a teenager girl holding a huge dream dictionary. I overheard the young teenager say to her mother, “Look at this huge dictionary, I wonder if it really helps?” I couldn’t resist going over and putting in my two cents. I introduced myself as a Dream Interpreter and asked for permission to talk about the subject, which they gave. I told
gained from my research have shown that people can’t achieve their dreams in the lack of hope. Hope is the irreplaceable element of success. The dictionary gives a basic meaning of hope, but the explanation of the word is deficient. The Oxford dictionary, an online dictionary which is created by The Oxford University, defines hope as “to want something to happen and think that is possible”(Hope). The denotation by The Oxford dictionary vitiates the true meaning of the word “hope”. “To want something
My mother had such a strong effect on her children that it’s easy to see the obvious. She taught us to be non-conformist, to follow our talents and dreams, to “just give it a try.” She taught us to play Scrabble to learn the importance of words, and to play cards to learn our numbers. Monopoly was for counting money as well as for basic economics: how much does this house cost? what’s the rent? is it worth it? But each of her children took away much more than the basic life skills embodied by my
person who is praised for great or brave acts and admirable qualities (Merriam-Webster Learner’s Dictionary). This dictionary gives the following example: “She was a hero for standing up to the government.” In the second dictionary, hero means a person, especially a man, who is admired by many people for doing something brave or good (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary). An example from this dictionary is: “The Olympic team were given a hero's welcome on their return home.” A few synonyms of hero
Growing up the definition of a hero for me was someone strong, handsome, intelligent and daring. But as I grew older, I began to find other qualities that mattered more like courage, honesty, bravery, and selflessness. A dictionary definition of a hero is an individual who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. But the definition of heroism has changed with time. Heroes of yesterday aren't the heroes of today and vice versa. One type of hero is saving
What is the definition of perseverance? Well, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, perseverance is “steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success”. The quirky, ambitious Junior and the creative, enthusiastic Randy Pausch both display immense amounts of perseverance. Junior demonstrates this by attending Reardan High School to prove that he is still alive and reaching for his goals. Randy Pausch displays his perseverance through his brick walls; the obstacles
The dictionary definition of a hero is, “A person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” Armantia Greene was born into slavery around the time of 1820, although the exact date is not known for sure, on the Brodess Plantation in Maryland. Armantia later took on the name “Harriet” in honor of her mother. Tubman knew from the beginning she was made for something greater; something more than the daily beatings and work given by her masters. Tubman
The mystery of dreams have fascinated people for years. Do they have significant meaning? Do they predict the future? Is our subconscious mind trying to warn us about our waking state of mental health and awareness? There are an abundance of websites and books that help interpret significant bits and pieces of dreams that we remember. Using a few of these websites I’ll interpret a few of my own dreams and what significance they may have had at the time that they occurred and how each one can be used
My Moral Compass The personal values that help contribute to my worldview and philosophy of nursing that is most important, is my religion. I am a Christian and this means that I am to be Christ like in my every day life and work. I am taught to treat others as I would want to be treated and care for them as I would do for myself. I am to help the sick, wounded, poor and widowed. Nursing in its roots are very much the same thing. Helping the ones who are unable to help themself. The underlying