This paper investigates the contribution of early Arab scholars in general phonetics and phonology and its impact on modern phonetics. It is important to note that phonetics and phonology were not independent disciplines. Rather, they were part of other disciplines. Therefore, in terms of early Arab contribution to phonetics and phonology, their scholarship can be derived from three major areas: (i) Arabic linguistics whose pioneers are Alkhalīl Al-Farāhīdi through his book Al'ain, Sibawayh through
The question of whether modern technological development has been beneficial or detrimental to human beings is perhaps the most pressing question that faces our society. If technology is harmful, then we need to minimize or eliminate the danger. If technology is not the source of the problems and concerns that are frequently attributed to it, then we need to find another cause for the social and psychological pressures faced by our society, so we can address these problems. Ever since the advent
Land Without Bread by Luis Bunuel There are numerous ethnographic surrealist films that have an intriguing relationship to aesthetics and politics. A film that exemplifies this relationship is “Las Hurdes: Tierra Sin Pan” (Land Without Bread). This film is only 27-minutes and is directed by the infamous Luis Bunuel in 1933. Bunuel was a Spanish filmmaker of the 1920’s to the 1970’s. He is often attributed to being one of the major contributors to the surrealist movement of the 1920’s. “Ethnographic
What is Human rights? Human rights are the moral philosophy or norms that illustrate certain standards of human behaviour, and are regularly confined as legal rights in national and international law. Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, colour, sex ,place of residence, national or ethnic origin, religion, language, or any other status. It is our right to know about human rights without discrimination. These rights has significances of interrelated, interdependent
May 2014 8. Jack C. Richards, Communicative Language Teaching Today, Cambridge University Press 2006 9. 10. 11.
Critical Theory #1 The critical theory arose from the Frankfurt School, the collective works of German theorists. Critical theory’s roots are centered on the works of The Institute for Social Research and those researchers who promoted Karl Marx theory of idealism. Intellectuals at the school developed kritisch Therorie, the critical theory of society, which was created to directly interpret Marxism. These theorists wanted to revise Marx’s theory that capitalism and the concept that the best way
fact, they are praised for their satire. Napp Nazworth of the Christian Post writes about the double standard with the media using political correctness and cites examples of Charlie Hebdo and Piss Christ: “The Associated Press removed a photo of an art piece called "Piss Christ" from its website Wednesday after a journalist pointed out the company's double standard. AP has refused to publish the Charlie Hebdo cartoons
A prompt literature review reveals the glaring cultural disparities between Asian and Western societies. The Asian-American community originates from Asia and thus first generation Asian-Americans mostly bear and abide to Asian norms and customs (Geary, 2004). These norms and customs especially apply to the institution of marriage and processes that entail it such as mate selection and preferences. Nevertheless, parental influence feature prominently in mate selection practices across a majority
When Socrates was sixty years old, Plato, then a youth of twenty, came to him as a pupil. When Plato was sixty years old, the seventeen-year-old Aristotle presented himself, joining the Teacher's group of "Friends," as the members of the Academy called themselves. Aristotle was a youth of gentle birth and breeding, his father occupying the position of physician to King Philip of Macedon. Possessed of a strong character, a penetrating intellect, apparent sincerity, but great personal ambition. Aristotle
Nalan’s claim. The resistance of the neighborhood in Sulukule against the urban transformation project was a success in the mass media for raising awareness but apparently the demolishing period continues even though. Many researchers of social sciences were defending the modernization as urbanization was good, and the integration would come in the end. But according to Ayşe Öncü “In the broader social and cultural geography of the city (Istanbul), the distinction between the residential neighborhoods