The circulatory and respiratory systems work together in the body. Together, their function is to bring oxygen to all places in the body. Both systems are composed of complex, functional organs that accomplish their task as efficiently as possible. Each system is dependent on the other and one is useless without the other. The circulatory and respiratory systems work together in the human body to bring oxygen and other materials to all body parts. The circulatory system, also called the cardiovascular
in experiments to gain more information of the human circulatory and nervous system. As daphnia are located in fresh water, there is a real risk of fertiliser leaking from households into creeks and rivers. This task will prove the danger of this for wildlife and the effect it has
Cephalopod Vs. Human Circulatory System The circulatory system is a group of organs that circulates blood throughout the body. The organs in the circulatory system are the heart and blood vessels. Every organism has a unique variation of the circulatory system. There are two main variations of circulatory systems; a closed circulatory system and an open circulatory system. In a closed circulatory system, the blood circulates within closed blood vessels. In an open circulatory system, the blood is
Section A Explain the functions of the heart, and structure of arties, veins and capillaries. The function of the heart is the blood pumps through the body by the circulatory system. The blood will provide the body with oxygen and nutrients. The heart controls the circulatory system. Veins • Transport the blood to the heart • The lumen passage is large • Have dark red blood and is deoxygenated • The valves in the veins prevents back flow Arteries • The blood is bright red and there is oxygen
many ways. In our project microbe an us blood is the number one survival in the circulatory system,. The circulatory system is composed of the heart and blood vessels, including arteries, veins, and capillaries. Our bodies actually have two circulatory systems.In our heart we have a pulmonary circulation is a short loop that goes from the heart to the loops and goes back again. The muscular system connects to the circulatory system. The muscular system is an organ muscular system consisting of skeletal
The main system that was studied in the past labs was the circulatory system. The circulatory system consists of the heart, the blood and all its components, arteries, and veins. The blood is composed of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets which are all important. Red blood cells are used to transport respiratory gases to the body, white blood cells are the body’s defense mechanism, and platelets are what helps blood clot when there is an opening in the surface of the skin or in the
The circulatory system and digestive system in a number of integral ways are related, as are many parts of the body. The gut, or enteric system, requires roughly 30% of all cardiac output as it contains several digestive organs. A large quantity of blood is required for ongoing digestive functions and is the basis for the interrelation of each system. Food that is consumed in broken down by the digestive system. It then divides the food into essential modules, such as nutrients and vitamins, which
so it can perform a movement. The system consists of skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscles. The cardiovascular system and the muscular system both help each other to perform their actions. Due to the fact that muscles require a lot of oxygen the circulatory system takes in the air which is combined with the blood flow and sent to the muscles. When the body is at rest the blood flow carries nutrients to the muscles so they can be repaired. Everyday, muscles produce a lot of waste products so when the
experiments 1 and 2 and research, to explain how the circulatory and respiratory systems work together to maintain the function of the cells and the body as a whole. In the human body, the circulatory system consists of the heart, blood vessels, arteries, veins and capillaries. The heart pumps blood around the body via the veins. The circulatory system works when nutrients and oxygen are distributed to every cell in the human body by the blood. The Circulatory system also gets rid of waste products such
Chapter twenty is the last one of the circulatory system and it discussed about the blood vessels and circulation. Blood vessels is the distribution network or the network of tubes. There are three main blood vessels in the heart there are artery, veins and lymphatic. The arteries are all the blood vessels that take blood out from the heart. It tends to be thick, strong and tough because all the blood is rushing through the arteries. The arterioles are like the mini arteries that branch off of the