Algebraic geometry

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    Physics, Comedy and Architecture. First, Math and Physics. Math and science are the reasons we can understand our surrounds and how on the largest and smallest scale, how stuff works. The Ancient Greek mathematicians used geometry text compiled by Euclid (for example Euclidean geometry). They also used the Pythagorean Theorem that was earlier discovered by the Chinese, but was used much more widely in Ancient Greece. In scien¬ce, Archimedes of Syracuse, estimated the value of pi – the ratio of the

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    Pythagoras was a Greek mathematician known for formulating the Pythagorean Theorem. He was born in 570 BC on the islands of Samos and passed away 495 BC at around the age of 75 in Metapontum. He was once a philosopher who taught that numbers were the essence of all things and was described as the first pure mathematician. People describe him as an extremely important person in mathematical history and yet not many people know much about him. There is little reliable records about his life and accomplishments

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    Who Is Leonhard Euler?

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    Leonhard Euler was born on April 15, 1707, in Basel, Switzerland, Leonhard Euler was one of math's most pioneering thinkers, establishing a career as an academy scholar and contributing greatly to the fields of geometry, trigonometry and calculus. He released hundreds of articles and publications during his lifetime, and continued to publish after losing his sight. Euler showed an early aptitude and propensity for mathematics, and thus, after studying with Johan Bernoulli, he attended the University

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    Tessellations are are type of drawing that are formed when a shape is repeated over and over, covering a plane without any spaces or overlaps. In modern day tessellations are also known as tiling. M.C Escher is the main person and creator behind tessellations. Maurits Cornelis Escher was born in 1898 on July 17 in Leeuwarden Netherlands. M.C Escher was born in the age of modern art. Escher was known at a younger age, to visualize distinct spatial patterns. Escher was a very smart man as well and

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    Pythagoras was referred to as the first mathematician. Born on the island of Samos, Greece 569 BC, and died on between 500 BC AND 475 BC in Metapontum, Lucania, Italy. Pythagoras had between two to three brothers. Some historians believed Pythagoras was married to a women named Theano and had two children named Damo and Telauges who succeed Pythagoras as a teacher. Pythagoras was considered well educated, and played the Iyre, which is an instrument similar to the harp. He also knew poetry and recited

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    Leonhard Euler: College Algebra research paper Born in April 15, 1707 Leonhard Euler is said to be one of the greatest mathematicians to contribute to geometry, trigonometry, and calculus, etc. during his lifetime until he died in September 18, 1783. His many contributions included the utilization of pi, f(x), the introduction of scientific notation, and most notably Euler’s formula. With his many contributions to mathematical research his work have been recognized by mathematicians around the world

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    A Modest Inaccuracy

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    Mathematics is a logical and precise subject. Without precision in math everything is imprecise. A modest inaccuracy can produce a catastrophe. For example, if a doctor fails to calculate the correct amount of medicine to give a patient, it could result in a serious complication, such as death. A further example is the logic and precision it takes to construct a building. If there is one minor miscalculation the whole building could collapse, causing mass destruction. As specified above, you have

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  • Decent Essays

    In Algebra II Trigonometry, there are many equations and functions used to guide us for solving problems, whether it be in real-world or hypothetical situations. Logarithms and exponential functions are just some examples of those equations. Exponential functions and Logarithms work well together because they "undo" each other, making them very useful and unique. Logarithms are used more commonly in everyday life than you think. Using logarithms is an easier way to describe numbers in powers of

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    Pt1420 Unit 1 Assignment

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    One of the assignment I chose for math was a test. I chose this assignment because one of the hardest test †hey I have ever done. Even though received a C I am still proud of it because for me it was a challenge. The assignment was about “Linear Equations, Getting m & b and Scatter Plots. The problems that are in the test is for number seven which is about how the given data represents a linear function and to complete the table of solutions and write equation. That is part of the test questions

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    History Math Project

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    up of the seeds of life, which are made out of 13 circles. The Flower of Life is the seed of life repeated, over and over again until a hexagon is formed. “The most common form of the "Flower of Life" is hexagonal pattern,” said the article Sacred Geometry. Leonardo DA Vinci is a mathematician that has studied the Flower and found many great things that it holds. The meaning of this of this symbol is, the forms of space and time. In the symbol you can find one of the most important symbols, The Tree

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