
History Math Project

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For my Art in History Math project, I researched math in the Middle East. The Middle East has a great history of innovation and discovery relating to math. Buildings decorated with complicated geometrical patterns are common. Many such decorations and designs are found at holy sites and in temples. What's more, these geometric designs demonstrate their understanding of math in addition to having religious meaning. Ancient people in the Middle East discovered how to draw three dimensional shapes on a two dimensional surface. Some Middle Eastern religions teach that everything is made from a creator’s thoughts. Furthermore, such art includes purposeful errors in support of the belief that no one but God is perfect. It is also a tradition that …show more content…

The Flower of Life is made up of the seeds of life, which are made out of 13 circles. The Flower of Life is the seed of life repeated, over and over again until a hexagon is formed. “The most common form of the "Flower of Life" is hexagonal pattern,” said the article Sacred Geometry. Leonardo DA Vinci is a mathematician that has studied the Flower and found many great things that it holds. The meaning of this of this symbol is, the forms of space and time. In the symbol you can find one of the most important symbols, The Tree of Life. This design is found in the direct middle of the whole flower. There are 6 circles creating the middle of 1 circle of the flower. Each of them has the same diameter. Each of the 6 petals, represents, the 6 days of creation of the kingdoms, animal, human, plant, and so on. Not to mention, one of the sacred things about the flower is that it contains so many of the other symbols. “I believe the complete ancient flower of life is an inter-dimensional tool,” said Andrew …show more content…

For one thing, these designs have taught a lot about the math in their culture, but not only have they done this they also have taught us about their religion and their traditions. For example, they tell stories, each symbol tells a different story about what they believe. I also think that these affect the pottery because, they do not use people or animals so they use the designs on their majmars. This is another thing that we learned about them. Their majmars can be very complex as the number of hard designs they have. They would not want nothing less, for the item that burns their most prized item, frankincense. Geometrical shapes are a huge part of math, especially in the Middle East. For the simple reason that, they can use them as a great math tool. Another thing, that was amazing to me is the fact that a huge part of their math is from their art, and this it has traveled all over the world. They are very smart people being able to come up with all of this! This project has inspired me to learn how to do art by doing math. I never thought Math would be so

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