The novel follows the life of young Andrew Wiggin, who prefers to go by Ender, as he saves the Earth from an alien race called the Buggers. When Ender turns six, the I.F. comes to his house and tells him that they are recruiting him for the battle school, which is located in space. While located at the school, Ender excels in his battles that take place in zero gravity. He learns quickly, continuously outsmarts his enemy, and impresses the recruiting commanders who believe he may be the person they
book Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card Ender gets him monitor removed. Ender had him monitor with him from when he was born to when he was six years old. This device had allowed the authorities to view the world as he did. Most kids didn’t keep their monitors as long as Ender did, this made Ender an outcast. Peter, Ender’s brother, also had a monitor but Ender had his for a year longer then his brother, because of this Peter hates Ender. All Ender wanted was to be Peter’s friend but Ender knew him and
The Ender’s Game is a thrilling science fiction novel focusing on a boy named Ender Wiggin, whom exhibits both compassion and ruthlessness while also showing humanity through a child’s perspective. Ender Wiggin is a child genius, the third in his family, who was chosen by the international military forces to essentially save the world. In order to decide which of the three children will help save the world, each child has to wear a special monitor that enables the military leaders to see the world
In the book Ender’s Game, written by Orson Scott Card, Andrew Wiggin (Ender) was chosen to save the entire human race from the Formics, commonly known as the Buggers, who were coming back to invade humanity again. Ender was recruited into the International Fleet (I.F.) where he met Colonel Graff, Director of Primary Training at Battle School. Graff acted secretly as Ender’s friend and mentor throughout the entire novel but simultaneously as the creative manipulative force in Ender’s development into
Ender’s Game Have you ever felt pressured or felt like everything will collapse if you don’t live up to others expectations? In the book, Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card, Ender the third child that was not supposed to happen was going to lead the war as a commander to defeat the buggers. Ender was watched by the International Fleet and the I.F. knew there was something special about this child compared to his brother and sister. He left the people that he loved such as his loving and caring
Ender Wiggin was unlike most of the children in his school. He was known as a "third", the third child in his family. He, like both his brother and sister, had a monitor in the back of his neck, so the military could see what they did. Ender had his longer than his siblings and because of this, Peter, his brother, hated him. He constantly threatened him and picked on him and at school, the kids verbally harassed him. He got so fed up with it that one day, he beat up the main bully, not stopping
Graff and an unknown person discuss problems with Ender. “His fault or not, he’s poisoning that group. They’re supposed to bond, and right where he stands there’s a chasm a mile wide.” (Card, page 55) It’s not Ender’s fault that his launch group is split apart, it’s Graff’s. He was the one who made everyone hate Ender. Later in the chapter, Ender befriends Bernard’s best friend, Alai, while working together in the battle room. Ender, Alai, Bernard, and Shen teamed up and “froze” the other Launchies
take Ender to Battle School. Ender leaves Earth and everyone he loves to save the world from the buggers. Ender lives with other new recruits called launchies. Soon Ender makes a few friends, ending his isolation. Ender makes a friend names Alai. The help Ender fit in with the rest of the group. Ender start to play a computer game called the mind game. He gets further than anyone else and military commanders start to take notice. Ender is unexpectedly promoted into Salamander army. There, Ender becomes
character in Ender’s Game. Peter, Ender’s older brother makes many actions that can be explained by resenting Ender, being mad at his parents, and upset with himself and his sister, Valentine. In the book, the main character Ender is recruited to be trained to help fight a battle against the Buggers, who have attacked Earth twice. Ender goes through many hard things, including bullying, being overworked, sleep-deprived, and trying to not be like his brother Peter. While Ender is at school in space
solution for the problems and conflict created war itself “-Shrey Srivastava. This happens to Ender Wiggin from the book Ender’s game by Orson Scott Card. Ender has lots of conflict and problems after he fought in a war. Ender Wiggin is one of the smartest kids. He goes to space for battle training. The wars for the world are fought by kids that control drones and big aircrafts while the kids are in space. Ender Wiggin is told that he is at his final training stages before he will lead his own group.