The Living World - 9th Edition - by George B Johnson Professor - ISBN 9781259694042

The Living World
9th Edition
George B Johnson Professor
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
ISBN: 9781259694042

Solutions for The Living World

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Chapter 1.5 - How Scientists ThinkChapter 1.6 - Science In Action: A Case StudyChapter 1.7 - Stages Of A Scientific InvestigationChapter 1.8 - Theory And CertaintyChapter 1.9 - Four Theories Unify Biology As A ScienceChapter 2 - The Chemistry Of LifeChapter 2.1 - AtomsChapter 2.2 - Ions And IsotopesChapter 2.3 - MoleculesChapter 2.4 - Hydrogen Bonds Give Water Unique PropertiesChapter 2.5 - Water IonizesChapter 3 - Molecules Of LifeChapter 3.1 - Polymers Are Built Of MonomersChapter 3.2 - ProteinsChapter 3.3 - Nucleic AcidsChapter 3.4 - CarbohydratesChapter 3.5 - LipidsChapter 4 - CellsChapter 4.1 - CellsChapter 4.2 - The Plasma MembraneChapter 4.3 - Prokaryotic CellsChapter 4.4 - Eukaryotic CellsChapter 4.5 - The Nucleus: The Cell’s Control CenterChapter 4.6 - The Endomembrane SystemChapter 4.7 - Organelles That Contain DnaChapter 4.8 - The Cytoskeleton: Interior Framework Of The CellChapter 4.9 - Outside The Plasma MembraneChapter 4.10 - DiffusionChapter 4.11 - Facilitated DiffusionChapter 4.12 - OsmosisChapter 4.13 - Bulk Passage Into And Out Of CellsChapter 4.14 - Active TransportChapter 5 - Energy And LifeChapter 5.1 - The Flow Of Energy In Living ThingsChapter 5.2 - The Laws Of ThermodynamicsChapter 5.3 - Chemical ReactionsChapter 5.4 - How Enzymes WorkChapter 5.5 - How Cells Regulate EnzymesChapter 5.6 - Atp: The Energy Currency Of The CellChapter 6 - Photosynthesis: Acquiring Energy From The SunChapter 6.1 - An Overview Of PhotosynthesisChapter 6.2 - How Plants Capture Energy From SunlightChapter 6.3 - Organizing Pigments Into PhotosystemsChapter 6.4 - How Photosystems Convert Light To Chemical EnergyChapter 6.5 - Building New MoleculesChapter 6.6 - Photorespiration: Putting The Brakes On PhotosynthesisChapter 7 - How Cells Harvest Energy From FoodChapter 7.1 - Where Is The Energy In Food?Chapter 7.2 - Using Coupled Reactions To Make AtpChapter 7.3 - Harvesting Electrons From Chemical BondsChapter 7.4 - Using The Electrons To Make AtpChapter 7.5 - Cells Can Metabolize Food Without OxygenChapter 7.6 - Glucose Is Not The Only Food MoleculeChapter 8 - MitosisChapter 8.1 - Prokaryotes Have A Simple Cell CycleChapter 8.2 - Eukaryotes Have A Complex Cell CycleChapter 8.3 - ChromosomesChapter 8.4 - Cell DivisionChapter 8.5 - Controlling The Cell CycleChapter 8.6 - What Is Cancer?Chapter 8.7 - Cancer And Control Of The Cell CycleChapter 9.1 - Discovery Of MeiosisChapter 9.2 - The Sexual Life CycleChapter 9.3 - The Stages Of MeiosisChapter 9.4 - How Meiosis Differs From MitosisChapter 9.5 - Evolutionary Consequences Of SexChapter 10 - Foundations Of GeneticsChapter 10.1 - Mendel And The Garden PeaChapter 10.2 - What Mendel ObservedChapter 10.3 - Mendel Proposes A TheoryChapter 10.4 - Mendel’s LawsChapter 10.5 - How Genes Influence TraitsChapter 10.6 - Some Traits Don’t Show Mendelian InheritanceChapter 10.7 - Chromosomes Are The Vehicles Of Mendelian InheritanceChapter 10.8 - Human ChromosomesChapter 10.9 - Studying PedigreesChapter 10.10 - The Role Of MutationChapter 10.11 - Genetic Counseling And Therapy

Book Details

This work develops an evolutionary theme to put biology in context, A self-contained, modular approach is used, and the writing style is student-oriented. Numerous analogies and examples are employed to simplify and amplify concepts, and in addition the text is linked to a home page on the Web.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

6th Edition
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The Living World
8th Edition
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9th Edition
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