The Immune System, 4th Edition - 4th Edition - by Peter Parham - ISBN 9780815344667

The Immune System, 4th Edition
4th Edition
Peter Parham
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
ISBN: 9780815344667

Solutions for The Immune System, 4th Edition

Book Details

T he Immune System, Fourth Edition emphasizes the human immune system and presents immunological concepts in a coherent, concise, and contemporary account of how the immune system works. Written for undergraduate, medical, veterinary, dental, and pharmacy students, it makes generous use of medical examples to illustrate points. This classroom-proven textbook offers clear writing, full-color illustrations, and section and chapter summaries that make the book accessible and easily understandable to students.

The Fourth Edition is a major revision that brings the content up-to-date and improves clarity. Based on user feedback, there is now increased continuity and connectivity between chapters.

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