Statistics - 4th Edition - by David Freedman, Robert Pisani, Roger Purves - ISBN 9780393929720

4th Edition
David Freedman, Robert Pisani, Roger Purves
Publisher: Norton, W. W. & Company, Inc.
ISBN: 9780393929720

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Chapter 4.3 - The Average And The HistogramChapter 4.4 - The Root-mean-squareChapter 4.5 - The Standard DeviationChapter 4.6 - Computing The Standard DeviationChapter 4.8 - Review ExercisesChapter 5.1 - The Normal CurveChapter 5.2 - Finding Areas Under The Normal CurveChapter 5.3 - The Normal Approximation For DataChapter 5.4 - PercentilesChapter 5.5 - Percentiles And The Normal CurveChapter 5.6 - Change Of ScaleChapter 5.7 - Review ExercisesChapter 6.5 - Review ExercisesChapter 6.6 - Special Review ExercisesChapter 7.1 - Reading Points Off A GraphChapter 7.2 - Plotting PointsChapter 7.3 - Slope And InterceptChapter 7.4 - Plotting LinesChapter 7.5 - The Algebraic Equation For A LineChapter 8.1 - The Scatter DiagramChapter 8.2 - The Correlation CoefficientChapter 8.3 - The Sd LineChapter 8.4 - Computing The Correlation CoefficientChapter 8.5 - Review ExercisesChapter 9.1 - Features Of The Correlation CoefficientChapter 9.2 - Changing SdsChapter 9.3 - Some Exceptional CasesChapter 9.4 - Ecological CorrelationsChapter 9.5 - Association Is Not CausationChapter 9.6 - Review ExercisesChapter 10.1 - IntroductionChapter 10.2 - The Graph Of AveragesChapter 10.3 - The Regression Method For IndividualsChapter 10.4 - The Regression FallacyChapter 10.5 - There Are Two Regression LinesChapter 10.6 - Review ExercisesChapter 11.1 - IntroductionChapter 11.2 - Computing The R.m.s. ErrorChapter 11.3 - Plotting The ResidualsChapter 11.4 - Looking At Vertical StripsChapter 11.5 - Using The Normal Curve Inside A Vertical StripChapter 11.6 - Review ExercisesChapter 12.1 - Slope And InterceptChapter 12.2 - The Method Of Least SquaresChapter 12.4 - Review ExercisesChapter 13.1 - IntroductionChapter 13.2 - Conditional ProbabilitiesChapter 13.3 - The Multiplication RuleChapter 13.4 - IndependenceChapter 13.6 - Review ExercisesChapter 14.1 - Listing The WaysChapter 14.2 - The Addition RuleChapter 14.3 - Two Faqs (frequently Asked Questions)Chapter 14.4 - The Paradox Of The Chevalier De M´er´eChapter 14.6 - Review ExercisesChapter 15.1 - IntroductionChapter 15.3 - Review ExercisesChapter 15.4 - Special Review ExercisesChapter 16.1 - What Does The Law Of Averages Say?Chapter 16.3 - The Sum Of DrawsChapter 16.4 - Making A Box ModelChapter 16.5 - Review ExercisesChapter 17.1 - The Expected ValueChapter 17.2 - The Standard ErrorChapter 17.3 - Using The Normal CurveChapter 17.4 - A Short-cutChapter 17.5 - Classifying And CountingChapter 17.6 - Review ExercisesChapter 18.2 - Probability HistogramsChapter 18.4 - The Normal ApproximationChapter 18.5 - The Scope Of The Normal ApproximationChapter 18.6 - ConclusionChapter 19.8 - Chance Error And BiasChapter 19.9 - Review ExercisesChapter 20.2 - The Expected Value And Standard ErrorChapter 20.3 - Using The Normal CurveChapter 20.4 - The Correction FactorChapter 20.6 - Review ExercisesChapter 21.1 - IntroductionChapter 21.2 - Confidence IntervalsChapter 21.3 - Interpreting A Confidence IntervalChapter 21.4 - Caveat EmptorChapter 21.5 - The Gallup PollChapter 21.6 - Review ExercisesChapter 22.5 - Standard ErrorsChapter 22.8 - Review ExercisesChapter 23.1 - IntroductionChapter 23.2 - The Sample AverageChapter 23.3 - Which Se?Chapter 23.4 - A ReminderChapter 23.5 - Review ExercisesChapter 23.6 - Special Review ExercisesChapter 24.1 - Estimating The Accuracy Of An AverageChapter 24.2 - Chance ModelsChapter 24.3 - The Gauss ModelChapter 24.5 - Review ExercisesChapter 25.1 - How Mendel Discovered GenesChapter 25.5 - Review ExercisesChapter 26.1 - IntroductionChapter 26.2 - The Null And The AlternativeChapter 26.3 - Test Statistics And Significance LevelsChapter 26.4 - Making A Test Of SignificanceChapter 26.5 - Zero-one BoxesChapter 26.6 - The T-testChapter 26.7 - Review ExercisesChapter 27.1 - The Standard Error For A DifferenceChapter 27.2 - Comparing Two Sample AveragesChapter 27.3 - ExperimentsChapter 27.4 - More On ExperimentsChapter 27.6 - Review ExercisesChapter 28.2 - The Structure Of The Χ2-testChapter 28.3 - How Fisher Used The Χ2-testChapter 28.4 - Testing IndependenceChapter 28.5 - Review ExercisesChapter 29.1 - Was The Result Significant?Chapter 29.2 - Data SnoopingChapter 29.3 - Was The Result Important?Chapter 29.4 - The Role Of The ModelChapter 29.5 - Does The Difference Prove The Point?Chapter 29.7 - Review ExercisesChapter 29.8 - Special Review Exercises

Book Details


Chapter 1. Controlled Experiments
Chapter 2. Observational Studies


Chapter 3. The Histogram
Chapter 4. The Average Standard Deviation
Chapter 5. The Normal Approximation for Data
Chapter 6. Measurement Error
Chapter 7. Plotting Points and Lines


Chapter 8. Correlation
Chapter 9. More about Correlation
Chapter 10. Regression
Chapter 11. The R.M.S. Error for Regression
Chapter 12. The Regression Line


Chapter 13. What Are the Chances
Chapter 14. More about Chance
Chapter 15. The Binomial Formula


Chapter 16. The Law of Averages
Chapter 17. The Expected Value and Standard Error
Chapter 18. The Normal Approximation for Probablity


Chapter 19. Sample Surveys
Chapter 20. Chance Errors in Sampling
Chapter 21. The Accuracy of Percentages
Chapter 22. Measuring Employment and Significance Unemployment
Chapter 23. The Accuracy of Averages


Chapter 24. Model for Measurement Error
Chapter 25. Chance Models in Genetics


Chapter 26. Tests of Significance
Chapter 27 More Tests for Averages
Chapter 28. The Chi-Square Test
Chapter 29. A Closer Look at Tests of Significance

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More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

2nd Edition
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Statistics, Third Edition
3rd Edition
ISBN: 9780393970838
Statistics (norton International Student Edition)
3rd Edition
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