Exploring Economics - 3rd Edition - by Robert L. Sexton - ISBN 9780324260847

Exploring Economics
3rd Edition
Robert L. Sexton
Publisher: Cengage South-Western
ISBN: 9780324260847

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Book Details

This is not a traditional encyclopedic text filled with technical details. Rather it is a modern, "back-to-basics" book written expressly to promote economic literacy and engage students in learning about how economics affects them as citizens in our society. Coupled with pedagogical innovations that are well-grounded in learning theory research, the text-s visually effective design and captivating content inspire students to actually read the chapters. It succeeds like no other text in taking the intimidation out of economics and in meeting its goal of explaining the material in a manner that will "bring students the same feeling of excitement and relevance- the author felt when taking his first economics class.


  • NEW!-Sexton Integrated Learning System: This edition provides students with an exceptional value as well as an incredibly rich and comprehensive learning package. Students purchasing a new textbook also receive in the package the printed Student Workbook and access to Sexton Xtra! online enrichment and study tools. The Student Workbook and Sexton Xtra! mirror the book-s section-by-section organization and are carefully tied to the text pedagogically to provide students with an unparalleled level of support and reinforcement.
  • Application: All applications were chosen specifically with students in mind to help them find the connection between economics and everyday problems such as classroom cheating, teen smoking, property rights and song swapping, and many others. Three special types of boxed applications are scattered throughout each chapter. -In the News- applications focus primarily on current news stories that are relevant and thought-provoking. -Global Watch- features introduce students to some of the economic causes and implications of the changes occurring around the world today. -Using What You-ve Learned- boxes reinforce and check true comprehension of important or more difficult concepts by assessing students- ability to apply what they-ve learned.
  • Visual Learning: Another key principle of learning theory is that if information is presented in an interesting way, concepts are learned and remembered much more readily. At every turn this text provides visual cues to help students learn and remember. Numerous photos are carefully placed where they reinforce important concepts, and they are accompanied with captions designed to encourage understanding of particular ideas. Graphs, tables, and charts throughout illustrate, clarify, and reinforce economic principles. Text exhibits are designed to be as clear and simple as possible, and are carefully coordinated with the text material.
  • NEW!-Expanded Supply and Demand Treatment: Supply and demand material has been divided into two chapters (Chapters 4 and 5) so that more time can be spent on this crucial topic.
  • NEW!-Expanded Keynesian Cross Appendix: The appendix on the aggregate expenditure model (Keynesian Cross) has doubled in size, covering new material on shifts in aggregate expenditure and the multiplier, the paradox of thrift and a brief section on what the aggregate expenditure model is missing to be a complete model of the macroeconomy.
  • NEW!-New Chapters: New Chapter 7 on consumer and producer surplus as well as the welfare effects of taxes and subsidies; new Chapter 9 is now exclusively about consumer choice; new Chapter 20 -Investment and Saving- covers financial markets, investment demand and saving supply, and present value. Given the news coverage and student interest, these topics seemed important enough to deserve their own chapter.
  • NEW!-Consolidated Material: Chapter 13 now merges coverage of Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly; Chapter 21 merges the chapters on Aggregate Demand /Aggregate Supply and Macroeconomic Equilibrium so that instructors can move more quickly through the theory and get to the applications in the next several chapters.
  • NEW!-Revised or Expanded Discussions: Nearly all chapters include revised or expanded topical discussions. For example, Chapter 3 has added a circular flow diagram and discussion; Chapter 8 includes new material in the Public Choice section; Chapter 15 has new discussion and data for moving up and down the economic ladder, education and earnings, and income redistribution; Chapter 22 has been expanded by adding a section on government spending and taxation as well as new material on social security and global taxation comparisons; Chapter 26 adds more tables and discussion on regional comparative advantage.
  • NEW!-New Boxed Features: In a continued effort to make the student learning experience applicable and enjoyable, numerous high-interest boxed features that apply economic concepts to the world around us have been added, for example, -Drugs Across the Border-; children and negative externalities; Internet sports betting; game theory and terrorism; smoking bans in New York City; hot and cold streaks in sports and the stock market; 9/11 and the Iraq war; lipstick sales and recessions; 2003 Bush tax cut; -The U.S. Economy in the Wake of September 11-.
  • Section-by-Section Approach: A well-known principle of learning and memory is that if information is organized or -chunked- into smaller units, the material will be better learned and remembered. Accordingly, each chapter is comprised of approximately 6-10 short sections of 3-6 pages each. These sections function as self-contained learning units.
  • Self-Management: In order to help students assess for themselves how well they are doing, each section ends with 4-6 questions designed to test comprehension of the basic points of the section just covered. Answers are provided in an end-of-text appendix. Answers to odd-numbered end-of-chapter questions are also included at the end of the book.

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

7th Edition
ISBN: 9781305757448
Exploring Economics
1st Edition
ISBN: 9780030183294
Exploring Economics
6th Edition
ISBN: 9781111970307
Exploring Economics (available Titles Coursemate)
5th Edition
ISBN: 9781439040249

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