Economic Education For Consumers - 4th Edition - by Roger LeRoy Miller, Alan D. Stafford - ISBN 9780538448888

Economic Education For Consumers
4th Edition
Roger LeRoy Miller, Alan D. Stafford
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9780538448888

Solutions for Economic Education For Consumers

Book Details

EDUCATION FOR CONSUMERS, 3rd Edition brings economic, consumer, and personal finance topics to life. Exciting changes to this edition include a bright new design and updated information on important changes in technology, banking, and taxes. Organized into several class-length lessons, each chapter contains several features to capture and maintain student interest, such as Consumer Alert, What in the World?, Vote Your Wallet, Buy the Number$, Consumer in Action!, Guess What?, Math of Money, Cyber Consumer, Primary Sources, and Communicate. Journal activities, located at the beginning and end of each chapter, connect the theme of each chapter and reinforce communication skills. The Life Span Plan Project links all aspects of personal finance to the student’s life in a capstone project, using icons throughout each chapter to encourage students to think about how each topic relates to their own “Life Span Plan.”

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