Discover Biology (Sixth Core Edition) - 6th Edition - by Anu Singh-Cundy, Gary Shin - ISBN 9780393936735

Discover Biology (Sixth Core Edition)
6th Edition
Anu Singh-Cundy, Gary Shin
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
ISBN: 9780393936735

Solutions for Discover Biology (Sixth Core Edition)

Book Details

Developing scientific literacy through active learning—before, during, and after class.

Discover Biology is praised by adopters for its clear, accessible explanations that develop students’ understanding of core concepts. The Sixth Edition maintains this strength but is more focused, 10% shorter, and offers a consistent chapter structure that gives students the conceptual foundation they need to fully understand and appreciate why biology matters in their own lives. This edition offers an accessible, flexible, and complete suite of teaching resources to support students and instructors at every stage of the learning process.

Sample Solutions for this Textbook

We offer sample solutions for Discover Biology (Sixth Core Edition) homework problems. See examples below:

Reasons for the correct statement: Option c. is given as, “coding for protein”. Genes are DNA...Reason for the correct statement: According to the Chargaff’s rule of base pairing, a purine such as...Reasons for correct statement: Option b. is given as “mRNA”. Protein synthesis involved two main...Reasons for the correct statement: Restriction enzyme is highly specific to DNA sequence. It...Reasons for the correct answer: Darwin proposed that the process of natural selection was the cause...Reasons for correct statement: Reproductive isolations prevent the species that earlier interbred to...Reasons for the correct statement: The fossils remains are organisms that lived several years ago....Reasons for the correct statement: The three-domain system organizes all the lifeforms on the Earth...Reason for the correct statement: Eukaryotes have a well-defined nucleus with a nuclear membrane....Reasons for correct statement: Option a. is given as, “insects”. The most abundant species are found...Reason for the correct statement: At the equator, solar light strikes Earth directly at a slanted...Reasons for the correct statement: Option d. is given as, “a population”. A population is a group of...Reason for the correct statement: Behavior enables animals to give responses like realizing the...Reasons for the correct statement: Option d. is given as “all of the above”. Mutualism develops the...Reason for the correct statement: The amount of the energy which is captured by the phototroph minus...Reasons for the correct statement: Option a. is given as, “Increased CO2 concentration in the...

More Editions of This Book

Corresponding editions of this textbook are also available below:

Discover Biology
4th Edition
ISBN: 9780393931600
6th Edition
ISBN: 8220102461024
6th Edition
ISBN: 9780393644241
Discover Biology (Fifth Edition)
5th Edition
ISBN: 9780393918236
Discover Biology
5th Edition
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