Case Studies for Health Information Management - 2nd Edition - by Patricia Schnering - ISBN 9781133602682

Case Studies for Health Information Man...
2nd Edition
Patricia Schnering
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9781133602682

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Book Details

Created specifically for students of Health Information Management and Health Information Technology, this worktext helps bridge the gap between knowledge gained through formal instruction and real-world, on-the-job application. This versatile worktext features 240 case studies with questions and exercises for each case that require you to draw on critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making skills, facilitating the transition from studying theory to analyzing and applying what you have learned. Now updated and expanded, the second edition features the latest RHIA and RHIT domains and competencies, so you can prepare effectively for certification. In addition, new online learning resources provide convenient access to additional web content, online forms, and spreadsheets to complement the cases.