Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences: A Brief Approach - 10th Edition - by Soo T. Tan - ISBN 9781285464640

Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Li...
10th Edition
Soo T. Tan
Publisher: Brooks Cole
ISBN: 9781285464640

Solutions for Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences: A Brief Approach

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Browse All Chapters of This Textbook

Chapter 2.5 - One-Sided Limits And ContinuityChapter 2.6 - The DerivativeChapter 3 - DifferentiationChapter 3.1 - Basic Rules Of DifferentiationChapter 3.2 - The Product And Quotient RulesChapter 3.3 - The Chain RuleChapter 3.4 - Marginal Functions In EconomicsChapter 3.5 - Higher-Order DerivativesChapter 3.6 - Implicit Differentiation And Related RatesChapter 3.7 - DifferentialsChapter 4 - Applications Of The DerivativeChapter 4.1 - Applications Of The First DerivativeChapter 4.2 - Applications Of The Second DerivativeChapter 4.3 - Curve SketchingChapter 4.4 - Optimization IChapter 4.5 - Optimization IiChapter 5 - Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 5.1 - Exponential FunctionsChapter 5.2 - Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 5.3 - Compound InterestChapter 5.4 - Differentiation Of Exponential FunctionsChapter 5.5 - Differentiation Of Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 5.6 - Exponential Functions As Mathematical ModelsChapter 6 - IntegrationChapter 6.1 - Antiderivatives And The Rules Of IntegrationChapter 6.2 - Integration By SubstitutionChapter 6.3 - Area And The Definite IntegralChapter 6.4 - The Fundamental Theorem Of CalculusChapter 6.5 - Evaluating Definite IntegralsChapter 6.6 - Area Between Two CurvesChapter 6.7 - Applications Of The Definite Integral To Business And EconomicsChapter 7 - Additional Topics In IntegrationChapter 7.1 - Integration By PartsChapter 7.2 - Integration Using Tables Of IntegralsChapter 7.3 - Numerical IntegrationChapter 7.4 - Improper IntegrationChapter 7.5 - Applications Of Calculus To ProbabilityChapter 8 - Calculus Of Several VariablesChapter 8.1 - Functions Of Several VariablesChapter 8.2 - Partial DerivativesChapter 8.3 - Maxima And Minima Of Functions Of Several VariablesChapter 8.4 - The Method Of Least SquaresChapter 8.5 - Constrained Maxima And Minima And The Method Of Lagrange MultipliersChapter 8.6 - Double IntegralsChapter A - Appendix AChapter B - Appendix B

Book Details

Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences: A Brief Approach, Tenth Edition balances modern applications, solid pedagogy, and the latest technology to engage students and keep them motivated in the course. Suitable for majors and non-majors alike, the text uses an intuitive approach that teaches concepts through examples drawn from real-life situations from students' fields of interest. In addition, insightful Portfolios highlight the careers of real people and discuss how they incorporate math into their daily professional activities. Numerous exercises, including a Diagnostic Test, ensure that students have a concrete understanding of concepts before advancing to the next topic. The text's pedagogical features coupled with an exciting array of supplements equip students with the tools they need to make the most of their study time and to succeed in the course.

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