PRECALCULUS:GRAPHICAL,...-NASTA ED. - 10th Edition - by Demana - ISBN 9780134672090

10th Edition
Publisher: PEARSON
ISBN: 9780134672090



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Browse All Chapters of This Textbook

Chapter 1.2 - Functions And Their PropertiesChapter 1.3 - Twelve Basic FunctionsChapter 1.4 - Building Functions From FunctionsChapter 1.5 - Parametric Relations And InversesChapter 1.6 - Graphical TransformationsChapter 1.7 - Modeling With FunctionsChapter 2 - Polynomial, Power, And Rational FunctionsChapter 2.1 - Linear And Quadratic Functions And ModelingChapter 2.2 - Modeling With Power FunctionsChapter 2.3 - Polynomial Functions Of Higher Degree With ModelingChapter 2.4 - Real Zeros Of Polynomial FunctionsChapter 2.5 - Complex Zeros And The Fundamental Theorem Of AlgebraChapter 2.6 - Graphs Of Rational FunctionsChapter 2.7 - Solving Equations In One VariableChapter 2.8 - Solving Inequalities In One VariableChapter 3 - Exponential, Logistic, And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 3.1 - Exponential And Logistic FunctionsChapter 3.2 - Exponential And Logistic ModelingChapter 3.3 - Logarithmic Functions And Their GraphsChapter 3.4 - Properties Of Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 3.5 - Equation Solving And ModelingChapter 3.6 - Mathematics Of FinanceChapter 4 - Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 4.1 - Angles And Their MeasuresChapter 4.2 - Trigonometric Functions Of Acute AnglesChapter 4.3 - Trigonometry Extended: The Circular FunctionsChapter 4.4 - Graphs Of Sine And Cosine: SinusoidsChapter 4.5 - Graphs Of Tangent, Cotangent, Secant, And CosecantChapter 4.6 - Graphs Of Composite Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 4.7 - Inverse Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 4.8 - Solving Problems With TrigonometryChapter 5 - Analytic TrigonometryChapter 5.1 - Fundamental IdentitiesChapter 5.2 - Proving Trigonometric IdentitiesChapter 5.3 - Sum And Difference IdentitiesChapter 5.4 - Multiple-angle IdentitiesChapter 5.5 - The Law Of SinesChapter 5.6 - The Law Of CosinesChapter 6 - Applications Of TrigonometryChapter 6.1 - Vectors In The PlaneChapter 6.2 - Dot Product Of VectorsChapter 6.3 - Parametric Equations And MotionChapter 6.4 - Polar CoordinatesChapter 6.5 - Graphs Of Polar EquationsChapter 6.6 - De Moivre’s Theorem And Nth RootsChapter 7 - Systems And MatricesChapter 7.1 - Solving Systems Of Two EquationsChapter 7.2 - Matrix AlgebraChapter 7.3 - Multivariate Linear Systems And Row OperationsChapter 7.4 - Systems Of Inequalities In Two VariablesChapter 8 - Analytic Geometry In Two And Three DimensionsChapter 8.1 - Conic Sections And A New Look At ParabolasChapter 8.2 - Circles And EllipsesChapter 8.3 - HyperbolasChapter 8.4 - Quadratic Equations With Xy TermsChapter 8.5 - Polar Equations Of ConicsChapter 8.6 - Three-dimensional Cartesian Coordinate SystemChapter 9 - Discrete MathematicsChapter 9.1 - Basic CombinatoricsChapter 9.2 - Binomial TheoremChapter 9.3 - SequencesChapter 9.4 - SeriesChapter 9.5 - Mathematical InductionChapter 10 - Statistics And ProbabilityChapter 10.1 - ProbabilityChapter 10.2 - Statistics (graphical)Chapter 10.3 - Statistics (numerical)Chapter 10.4 - Random Variables And Probability ModelsChapter 10.5 - Statistical LiteracyChapter 11 - An Introduction To Calculus: Limits, Derivatives, And IntegralsChapter 11.1 - Limits And Motion: The Tangent ProblemChapter 11.2 - Limits And Motion: The Area ProblemChapter 11.3 - More On LimitsChapter 11.4 - Numerical Derivatives And IntegralsChapter A.1 - Radicals And Rational ExponentsChapter A.2 - Polynomials And FactoringChapter A.3 - Fractional ExpressionsChapter B.1 - Logic: An IntroductionChapter B.2 - Conditionals And Biconditionals

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