Economics Today and Tomorrow, Student Edition - 1st Edition - by McGraw-Hill - ISBN 9780078747663

Economics Today and Tomorrow, Student E...
1st Edition
Publisher: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill School Pub Co
ISBN: 9780078747663

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Browse All Chapters of This Textbook

Chapter 3.1 - Consumption, Income, And Decision MakingChapter 3.2 - Buying Principles And StrategiesChapter 3.3 - ConsumerismChapter 4 - Going Into DebtChapter 4.1 - Americans And CreditChapter 4.2 - Sources Of Loans And CreditChapter 4.3 - Applying For CreditChapter 4.4 - Government Regulation Of CreditChapter 5 - Buying The NecessitiesChapter 5.1 - Shoping For FoodChapter 5.2 - Cloting ChoicesChapter 5.3 - To Rent Or To BuyChapter 5.4 - Buying And Operating A VehicleChapter 6 - Saving And InvestingChapter 6.1 - Why Save?Chapter 6.2 - Investing: Taking Risks With Your SavingsChapter 6.3 - Special Savings Plans And GoalsChapter 7 - Demand And SupplyChapter 7.1 - DemandChapter 7.2 - The Demand Curve And Elasticity Of DemandChapter 7.3 - The Law Of Supply And The Supply CurveChapter 7.4 - Putting Supply And Demand TogetherChapter 8 - Business OrganizationsChapter 8.1 - Starting A BusinessChapter 8.2 - Sole Proprietorships And ParternshipsChapter 8.3 - The Corporate World And FranschisesChapter 9 - Competition And MonopoliesChapter 9.1 - Perfect CompetitionChapter 9.2 - Monopoly, Oligopoly, Monopolistic CompetitionChapter 9.3 - Government Policies Towards CompetitionChapter 10 - Financing And Producing GoodsChapter 10.1 - Investing In The Free Enterprise SystemChapter 10.2 - Types Of Financing For Business OperationsChapter 10.3 - The Production ProcessChapter 11 - Marketing And DistributionChapter 11.1 - The Charging Role Of MarketingChapter 11.2 - The Marketing MixChapter 11.3 - Distribution ChannelsChapter 12 - The American Labor ForceChapter 12.1 - Amercians At WorkChapter 12.2 - Organized LaborChapter 12.3 - Collective BargainingChapter 13 - Measuring The Economy's PerformanceChapter 13.1 - National Income AccountingChapter 13.2 - Correcting Statistics For InflationChapter 13.3 - Aggregate Demand And SupplyChapter 13.4 - Business FluctuationsChapter 13.5 - Causes And Indicators Of Business FluctuationsChapter 14 - Money And BankingChapter 14.1 - The Functions And Characteristics Of MoneyChapter 14.2 - History Of Americans Money And BankingChapter 14.3 - Types Of Money In The United StatesChapter 15 - The Federal Reserve System And Monetary PolicyChapter 15.1 - Organization And Functions Of The FedChapter 15.2 - Money Supply And The EconomyChapter 15.3 - Regulating The Money SupplyChapter 16 - Government Spends, Collects, And OwesChapter 16.1 - Growth In The Size Of GovernmentChapter 16.2 - The Functions Of GovernmentChapter 16.3 - The Federal Budget And The National DebtChapter 16.4 - TaxationChapter 17 - Stabilizing The National EconomyChapter 17.1 - Unemployment And InflationChapter 17.2 - The Fiscal Policy Approach To StabilizationChapter 17.3 - Monetarism And The EconomyChapter 18 - Trading With Other NationsChapter 18.1 - The Benefits Of World TradeChapter 18.2 - Financing World TradeChapter 18.3 - Restrictions On World TradeChapter 19 - Economic Growth In Developing NationsChapter 19.1 - Characteristics Of Developing NationsChapter 19.2 - The Process Of Economic DevelopmentChapter 19.3 - Obstacles To Growth In Developing NationsChapter 19.4 - Economics Development In ChinaChapter 20 - The Global EconomyChapter 20.1 - Reasons For And Results Of Global IntegrationChapter 20.2 - Direct Foreign Investment- Should We Be Worried?Chapter 20.3 - Multinationals And Economic Competition

Book Details

Economics: Today and Tomorrow's unique visual/verbal approach makes the study of economics accessible and exciting. The program is the perfect combination of reader-friendly text, resources for all ability levels, and easy-to-use technology. In addition to current statistics and news events, this program has updated diagrams, charts, maps, photos, and illustrations. In-depth coverage of the new economy and the impact of the digital revolution are included, along with features from BusinessWeek and exclusive analysis and information from Standard & Poor's.

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