Algebra and Trigonometry: Structure and Method, Book 2 - 2000th Edition - by MCDOUGAL LITTEL - ISBN 9780395977255

Algebra and Trigonometry: Structure and...
2000th Edition
Publisher: McDougal Littell
ISBN: 9780395977255

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Chapter 2 - Inequalities And ProofChapter 2.1 - Solving Inequalities In One VariableChapter 2.2 - Solving Combined InequalitiesChapter 2.3 - Problem Solving Using InequalitiesChapter 2.4 - Absolute Value In Open SentencesChapter 2.5 - Solving Absolute Value Sentences GraphicallyChapter 2.6 - Theorems And ProofsChapter 2.7 - Theorems About Order And Absolute ValueChapter 3 - Linear Equations And FunctionsChapter 3.1 - Open Sentences In Two VariablesChapter 3.2 - Graphs Of Linear Equations In Two VariablesChapter 3.3 - The Slope Of A LineChapter 3.4 - Finding An Equation Of A LineChapter 3.5 - Systems Of Linear Equations In Two VariablesChapter 3.6 - Problem Solving: Using SystemsChapter 3.7 - Linear Inequalities In Two VariablesChapter 3.8 - FunctionsChapter 3.9 - Linear FunctionsChapter 3.10 - RelationsChapter 4 - Products And Factors Of PolynomialsChapter 4.1 - PolynomialsChapter 4.2 - Using Laws Of ExponentsChapter 4.3 - Multiplying PolynomialsChapter 4.4 - Using Prime FactorizationChapter 4.5 - Factoring PolynomialsChapter 4.6 - Factoring Quadratic PolynomialsChapter 4.7 - Solving Polynomial EquationsChapter 4.8 - Problem Solving Using Polynomial EquationsChapter 4.9 - Solving Polynomial InequalitiesChapter 5 - Rational ExpressionsChapter 5.1 - Quotients Of MonomialsChapter 5.2 - Zero And Negative ExponentsChapter 5.3 - Scientific Notation And Significant DigitsChapter 5.4 - Rational Algebraic ExpressionsChapter 5.5 - Products And Quotients Of Rational ExpressionsChapter 5.6 - Sums And Differences Of Rational ExpressionsChapter 5.7 - Complex FractionsChapter 5.8 - Fractional CoeffcientChapter 5.9 - Fractional EquationsChapter 6 - Irrational And Complex NumbersChapter 6.1 - Roots Of Real NumbersChapter 6.2 - Properties Of RadicalsChapter 6.3 - Sums Of RadicalsChapter 6.4 - Binomials Containing RadicalsChapter 6.5 - Equations Containing RadicalsChapter 6.6 - Rational And Irrational NumbersChapter 6.7 - The Imaginary Number IChapter 6.8 - The Complex NumbersChapter 7 - Quadratic Equations And FunctionsChapter 7.1 - Completing The SquareChapter 7.2 - The Quadratic FormulaChapter 7.3 - The DiscriminantChapter 7.4 - Equations In Quadratic FormulaChapter 7.5 - Graphing Y-k=1(x-h)2Chapter 7.6 - Quadratic FunctionsChapter 7.7 - Writing Quadratic Equations And FunctionsChapter 8 - Variation And Polynomial EquationChapter 8.1 - Direct Variation And ProportionChapter 8.2 - Inverse And Joint VariationChapter 8.3 - Dividing PolynomialsChapter 8.4 - Synthetic DivisionChapter 8.5 - The Remainder And Factor TheoremsChapter 8.6 - Some Useful TheoremsChapter 8.7 - Finding Rational RootsChapter 8.8 - Approximating Irrational RootsChapter 8.9 - Linear InterpolationChapter 9 - Analytic GeometryChapter 9.1 - Distance And Midpoint FormulasChapter 9.2 - CirclesChapter 9.3 - ParabolasChapter 9.4 - EllipsesChapter 9.5 - HyperbolasChapter 9.6 - More On Central ConicsChapter 9.7 - The Geometry Of Quadratic SystemsChapter 9.8 - Solving Quadratic SystemsChapter 9.9 - Systems Of Linear Equations In Three VariablesChapter 10 - Exponential And Logarithmic FunctionsChapter 10.1 - Rational ExponentsChapter 10.2 - Real Numbers ExponentsChapter 10.3 - Composition And Inverse Of FunctionsChapter 10.4 - Definition Of LogarithmsChapter 10.5 - Laws Of LogarithmsChapter 10.6 - Applications Of LogarithmsChapter 10.7 - Problem Solving: Exponential Growth And DecayChapter 10.8 - The Natural Logarithm FunctionChapter 11 - Sequences And SeriesChapter 11.1 - Types Of SquenceChapter 11.2 - Arithmetic SequenceChapter 11.3 - Geometric SequenceChapter 11.4 - Series And Sigma NotationChapter 11.5 - Sums Of Arithmetic And Geometric SeriesChapter 11.6 - Infinite Geometric SeriesChapter 11.7 - Powers Of BinomialsChapter 11.8 - The General Binomial ExpansionChapter 12 - Triangle TrigonometryChapter 12.1 - Angles And Degree MeasureChapter 12.2 - Trigonometric Functions Of Acute AnglesChapter 12.3 - Trigonometric Functions Of General AnglesChapter 12.4 - Values Of Trigonometric FunctionsChapter 12.5 - Solving Right TrianglesChapter 12.6 - The Law Of CosinesChapter 12.7 - The Law Of SinesChapter 12.8 - Solving General TrianglesChapter 12.9 - Areas Of TrianglesChapter 13 - Trigonometric Graphs; IdentitiesChapter 13.1 - Radian MeasureChapter 13.2 - Circular FunctionsChapter 13.3 - Periodicity And SymmetryChapter 13.4 - Graphs Of The Sine And CosineChapter 13.5 - Graphs Of The Other FunctionsChapter 13.6 - The Fundamental IdentitiesChapter 13.7 - Trigonometric Addition FormulasChapter 13.8 - Double-angle And Half-angle FormulasChapter 13.9 - Formulas For The TangentChapter 14 - Trigonometric ApplicationsChapter 14.1 - Vector OperationsChapter 14.2 - Vectors In The PlaneChapter 14.3 - Polar CoordinatesChapter 14.4 - The Geometry Of Complex NumbersChapter 14.5 - De Moivre's TheoremChapter 14.6 - The Inverse Cosine And Inverse SineChapter 14.7 - Other Inverse FunctionsChapter 14.8 - Trigonometric EquationsChapter 15 - Statistics And PribabilityChapter 15.1 - Presenting Statistical DataChapter 15.2 - Analyzing Statistical DataChapter 15.3 - The Normal DistributionChapter 15.4 - CorrelationChapter 15.5 - Fundamental Counting PrincipalsChapter 15.6 - PermutationsChapter 15.7 - CombinationsChapter 15.8 - Sample Spaces And EventsChapter 15.9 - ProbabilityChapter 15.10 - Mutually Exclusive And Indepent EventsChapter 16 - Matrices And DeterminantsChapter 16.1 - Definition Of TermsChapter 16.2 - Addition And Scalar MultiplicationChapter 16.3 - Matrix MultiplicationChapter 16.4 - Apllciation Of MatricesChapter 16.5 - DeterminantsChapter 16.6 - Inverse Of MatricesChapter 16.7 - Expansion Of Determinants By MinorsChapter 16.8 - Properties Of DeterminantsChapter 16.9 - Cramer's Rule

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