
's Black Veil 'And Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God'

Decent Essays

Which author’s style is more effective and why? Is Jonathan Edward’s style of writing more effective or is Hawthorne’s style of writing more effective? Both writers have good styles of writing, however, Hawthorne’s style of writing is more effective because of his mysterious style of writing and mysterious plot line. Hawthorne’s text “The Minister’s Black Veil” gives us a better understanding of what the theme of the story is. Although, Edward’s text “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” helps readers easily figure out the theme of his text, but his style of writing does not help develop his theme as much as Hawthorne’s style of writing.
Both texts have one thing in common in their themes. They both talk about sin. “The Minister’s Black Veil” has a theme that is about everyone having a secret sin that they hide. “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” has a theme that is about sinners provoking god and not …show more content…

Hawthorne has the better style of writing because of his mysterious style of writing that helps keep readers interested and helps develop his theme along the way. Hawthorne’s style of writing keeps many people interested and keeps them reading. He uses that interest to also tell the reader his theme that everyone has a secret sin that they hide. This is the type of style that keeps many people interested in his story and helps develop the theme of his story.
While Hawthorne’s style of writing is good many could argue that Edward's style of writing is better. They might suggest that his harsh style of writing could better develop his theme and keep readers interested. Some might even suggest that Edward’s has a stronger theme and style than Hawthorne. His style of writing helps readers understand his theme that god is provoked and we have done nothing to abate his anger. Many people could argue that Edward’s style and theme are even better at convincing the reader that sin is

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