
##rden's Case : The Lizzie Borden : Guilt Or Fuilt?

Decent Essays

One of the weirdest crimes in history is the Lizzie Borden case. There are a lot of debates on whether shes innocent or guilty. She was accused of murdering her parents with a hatchet. People said that Lizzie Borden killed them some said that it was an enemy of Andrew Borden Lizzie's father.I think that she is guilty. No one else could have done it. There is a few reasons why she is guilty. One reason is she was outraged with both of her parents, there is a lot of evidence to show she is guilty, and there was no one else in the house when it happened. So in this essay I will talk about why she is guilty and she is not innocent.

Lizzie Borden is guilty no doubt. Who else would do it. The first reason why is because she was outraged with …show more content…

She explained that she needed the acid to clean a sealskin cape. The druggist refused to sell the prussic acid.” A lot of people don't believe that she burnt the dress because there was paint on it. People think she burned it because maybe it had blood on it and she made up the excuse that she had old paint on it. Also she tried buying some type of acid and no one ever just buys acid for no reason. So she must have been trying to buy for a certain reason. Maybe she was trying to buy it to try and kill her parents in a not so painful way.

There are a few reasons why she is innocent too but I still think she is guilty. My third reason is there was no one else in the house when it happened. She may not be guilty because the grief she showed for her father. In article 3 it states, “She showed a lot of grief in her letters saying she was innocent.” Also it says that, “THere was no one else in the house all of this happened.” She wouldn't have showed grief if she knew she had done it. So if she didn't than she would show the grief like she did. If there was no one in the house than who could have have done it. The only person is LIzzie. That's my third reason.

So in conclusion, I still think she is

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