
mission & vision Essay

Satisfactory Essays

NURS 6001: Foundations of Graduate Study
Mission Vision and Personal Goals
I have been a nurse in the acute care setting for over 9 years and due to the changes in health care I have decided to pursue my professional goal in the part of a Family nurse practitioner; which will allow me provide advance nursing care. In order to achieve this goal, I have to advance my education, and Walden University has the capacity to provide me with information and skills required to achieving my academic goal of graduating with a degree in Family nurse practitioner.
Walden University vision and mission statement relate to me; because they have all the attributes in making my dream come true. According to the University’s vision, they …show more content…

4). I am ready for the academic work involve in getting my advanced nursing degree.
My main purpose of coming to Walden University is to pursue an academic goal of getting a degree in Family nurse practitioner, which will allow me achieve my professional goal of being able to practice in an acute care setting. Also, the knowledge and skills acquired, will to precipitate a positive transformation in my area of practice. Walden University said they support “positive social change through the development of principle, knowledgeable, and ethical scholar-practitioners, who are and will become civic and professional role models by advancing the betterment of society.” (Walden University, 2011, para. 4). I look forward to applying my new knowledge to enforce a positive social change to those I provide care, and also at the acute care setting. As a Family nurse practitioner, I will demonstrate the skills obtained by providing the best health assessments, direct care, including emphasis on prevention and education throughout individuals and families lifespan.
Walden University. (2011). Vision, mission, and goals. Retrieved from
Walden University College of Health Sciences. (2012). About the school. Retrieved from

NURS 6001: Foundations of Graduate Study
Mission Vision and Personal

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