
Katy Perry 's The Song Fireworks Essay

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Katy Perry takes a similar approach by creating a song that allows people to be the way they are. Katy Perry had created the song “Fireworks.“ This song is an inspirational song that allows people to reveal themselves to the true world instead of keeping it a secret. Katy is trying to portray the fact that people should not be afraid to represent the way they truly are. She wants everyone to show his or her “true colors“. In a sense, Katy wants to people to embrace what they are. In the first few lines she states, “Do you ever feel like a plastic bag. Drifting through the wind. Wanting to start again“ (Fireworks). This part of the song reveals that a lot of people go with the flow. They just follow the norms of society and do not fight against it. She continues on to talk about how people continue to go with the flow until she states, “Do you know that there 's still a chance for you. 'Cause there 's a spark in you“ (Fireworks). This portion of the song reveals there is hope even if want to go against the norm. Just a small push is needed in order to get over the hurdle. Then Katy states, “ 'Cause baby you 're a firework. Come and show 'em what you 're worth. Make 'em go "oh, oh, oh! As you shoot across the sky-y-y“ (Fireworks). When you do reveal yourself, it will feel like a huge burden is lifted off your shoulders. Katy is trying to say to her fans be motivated and keep reaching for the stars. Being unique might be a bad thing, but don‘t let their voice reach you.

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