
Zoonotic Salmonella Essay

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Objective: This study used a data and literature review to describe the zoonotic transmission of Salmonella to humans from household dogs. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of zoonotic Salmonellosis due to dogs.

Methods: A descriptive analysis of data and articles collected from Center for Disease Control, Ohio Department of Health, PubMed, and Google Scholar.

Results: Approximately 75 million dogs are owned as pets and reside in over 50% of the households in the United States. Contact between humans and dogs are substantial, but the occurrence of Salmonellosis in humans is low compared to other sources of the Salmonella pathogens.

Conclusions: Dogs are considered a source for several zoonotic diseases, Salmonellosis being one of them. Of the thousands of laboratory-confirmed cases of Salmonella illnesses each year only a very small percent are linked to dogs. More often illness linkage is due to contact with contaminated pet food or treats verses ill dogs. Identifying the pathogen …show more content…

A statistical data search of the CDC, PubMed and Ohio Department of Health databases was performed to gather data on cases of reported Salmonella, zoonotic Salmonella reported cases and cases linked to dogs, in the United States. Literature reviews were conducted using the Wright State University Library, PubMed, CDC, and Google using the primary terms: zoonotic disease, zoonotic infection, zoonosis, Salmonella, companion pets, dogs, and dog food.
The titles, abstracts of the articles and reports were screened for information related to zoonotic Salmonella information related to dogs and human illnesses and outbreaks. The articles and reports were added to RefWorks, a web based bibliography (, if they referred to zoonotic Salmonella in dogs and Salmonella illness in humans linked to

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