How to Survive A Zombie Apocalypse One may say a zombie outbreak will occur. Others may say it is not possible. However, in this world in which we live, anything is possible. Keep reading this article for tips on how one may go about surviving a zombie outbreak. How One May Be Prepared: In case of a zombie outbreak our society must be prepared. We must have the essential resources. The essential resources one may have in case of a zombie outbreak, would be an emergency pre-packed backpack. This pre-packed backpack would include: maps, food, water, clothes, weapons, and other various items. One may need a various variety of maps, including a physical map, political map, climate map, topographical map, resource map, economic map, and a road map. A …show more content…
A climate map shows one the average weather of a region. A topographical map shows the contour lines to present the elevation or heights of an area. Also, a resource map shows the distribution of numerous resources. However, the economic map includes knowledge about wealth and money. Almost similar to a physical map, a road map displays some physical features, including rivers and mountains, and some also show political factors, including cities and towns. Different from a physical map, road maps show major highways and small country roads. One may need a various variety of healthy, energizing foods in case a zombie outbreak occurs. Some healthy energizing foods would consist of; canned meats and seafoods, canned fruits and vegetables, dried grains, dark chocolate, nuts, dried fruits, jerkies, and so much more. Canned meats and seafoods is fantastic considering that they can last for 2-5 years. Canned fruits and vegetables are also fantastic for lasting for years. Dried grains, dried fruits, and jerkies are wonderful due to the fact they can last for months, to even years. Lastly, dark chocolate is excellent, considering that they can last 4-6 months after the original expiration date. One may also need several
There are different kinds of maps you could use, like a Road Map, Physical Map, Climate Map, Political Map, Economic Map, and Climate Map, which would all be useful in the event of a zombie apocalypse. A compass would be useful so that you know what way you are traveling. Another thing that would be helpful is the use of paper, pencils, and pens. Hand sketches would be better than having it on an electronic. It would be better than having on a computer because if the electronics stop working, then you would have none of your information anymore. Of course, weapons would be useful, so that you can fight the zombies. They would also be useful so you can fight invaders,and also, the could help you get
No book has captivated the zombie apocalypse better than World War Z. Max Brooks creatively presents “a worldwide zombie pandemic from outbreak to aftermath” (Boyd, Tristan). His book encompasses many social and political themes in the world today. The book
The terror of death typically consumes people, therefore, they must prepare for anything to happen. Not knowing what to expect can make it difficult to prepare for if the event has yet to happen. People planning to survive the zombie apocalypse must follow the process of gathering weapons, finding the items necessary to survive, and learning to use surrounding items to fight zombies.
According to zombie movies and books, there are several steps people can take to stay safe when zombies are on the prowl. Legends and other stories describe zombies as dead people who have been brought back to life. Many reasons are very simple and explain that, why zombies have invaded our media. First reason, is the fear of war or lack of safety. Second, the fear or slavery. Last reason, the virus out-of-control.
Hawthorne, Author of The Scarlet Letter, criticizes that the style of punishment used by the Puritan Religion was radical, inhumane, and cold. He argues that the outcome of their punishments' was damaging to the characters and their personality. However, this accusation is false. The punishments although seemingly inhumane, caused positive outcomes for all three characters Hester Prynne, Pearl Prynne, and Arthur Dimmesdale.
The main idea I took away from Dr. Haskell’s “Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse or A Year of Teaching” is that you will need more than a lesson plan to survive teaching. You will need to look at your classroom’s vibe or the learning environment. Is it welcoming to the students? Or is it the old style with little single desks lined neatly in rows and an old teacher screaming “How can you have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat”, we don’t want that. Reading along, this chapter gives plenty of ideas and a template on how to organize them in a manageable format. This is done to keep you from getting grandiose ideas, like forming a ninja academy or something awesome. When I finished re-reading the chapter, I found myself thinking on my classroom’s
The zombie apocalypse is finally upon us. The world will now witness man’s most primitive state, selfish, greedy, and cruel. Whose ideas on human nature and idealistic government will best help us in such a situation? The ideas of Thomas Hobbes, a 17th century philosopher, would best benefit the survivors of a zombie apocalypse.
In the event of a zombie apocalypse everything in this world would change. Society will not be the same, the norms society once had will be different. Governments would like to establish social control but the environment would be too chaotic to control. A survival mode would be establish by everybody, everybody would be by themselves, and only protect their own. Resources would be the new currency, because paper money would no longer have value, but a resources will.
The topic of the undead coming back to life to feast on the living has been around since the first zombie movie White Zombies in 1932; however, just in the past few decades has the threat of a zombie apocalypse enter the realm of international politics. The threat of a zombie apocalypse is a very serious concern of the international communities. Many political scientists are not sure how the world leaders would be able to work together if this issue were ever to arise in the world today. In the book “Theories of International Politics and Zombies”, Drezner uses the threat of a zombie apocalypse to show how the different theories of international politics would eliminate the threat; however, are the living dead a real international concern or are they just a brilliant metaphor for something much greater that could happen to the world.
During my time as an undergraduate, I majored in philosophy but intentionally selected courses that would further my knowledge on my range of interests in social justice and law. As I started to engage and learn about theories of intersectionality, social and structural inequalities and constructs, I grew angry at the world we have created for ourselves to live in. I understood that the injustices imposed on people at the dangerous intersections of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, and ability are frequent and widespread. The oppressive forces that have allowed for the creation of such injustices have not only routinely excluded and silenced the voices of many groups of people, but have destroyed countless lives.
In the possible occurrence of a zombie apocalypse, certain measures involving shelter, food, weapons, and fitness should be taken to better the chances of survival in such a desperate situation. Throughout the years, movies, television shows, and other miscellaneous hype have heightened a large number of people’s suspicion about the possibility of disease-ridden humans taking over the world. In reality, that atrocity is not exactly far-fetched. With so many vaccines and medicines being mass produced without the sufficient steps taken to test the results, the chance of humans contracting unimaginable side effects is a rational possibility. If
Deliberate practice is the ability to make oneself able to practice on a regular basis. This can apply to virtually anything that you would need to get better in. Deliberate practice also includes the ability to set a specific goal. This goal is used for getting to a certain point that will make you better at the thing you are practicing. You’ll also need a teacher to help you see mistakes that you can then go and fix while you’re practicing. With all of these things combined you’ll set a strong foundation for you to be able excell in your topic of work.
The gruesome zombie apocalypse had broken out three days ago, and everyone was in full panic mode as we tried to figure out what to do next.
Survival and disaster preparation are relevant in the stories in the novel. Several interviews, especially those from the United States, focus on policy changes designed to train the surviving Americans to fight the zombies and rebuild the country. For example, when cities were made to be as efficient as possible in order to fight the zombies, the art of using real places and locations to describe these disasters, or when the ultra-rich hide in their homes, which had been turned into fortified compounds, they were overwhelmed by others trying to get in, leading to mass slaughter. Throughout the novel, characters demonstrate the physical and mental requirements needed to survive a disaster. There were so many disasters that can be related to the outrageous earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcano eruptions, etc. Zombie apocalypse can most likely be a reality through the spread a deadly virus. Brooks described the large amount of research needed to find optimal methods for fighting a worldwide zombie outbreak.
A valuable lesson you hope to pass on to the next late night pedestrian you and your new friends come across; Underestimating the potential for a zombie outbreak is a highly dangerous (and foolish) activity. Preparedness is something one can never have too much of when considering an epidemic of the walking dead. Some of the basics are: Assessing the potential for a zombie outbreak at any given time, knowing the four types of zombies and how to respond to each (an absolute must), and most importantly, you need to have a plan.