
Zeus The Supreme God And Ruler Of All Gods And Goddesses

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The supreme god and ruler of all gods and goddesses is Zeus that lived in Mount Olympus with was called Olympians. He was the undisputed master of the universe also the god of rain, storm, and drought. He kept peace and order in the quarrelsome family with his feared thunderbolts which no god or mortal dared to challenge. Zeus was known by many names, Lord of the Sky, God, the Cloud-gatherer, Zeus of the Thunderbolt, the Sky Dweller, the Rain-god and Zeus the Thunderer. The names Zeus had were indicated which force was considered most by Ancient Greece, in Greece it didn’t rain a lot so rain was a scares that’s why they gave Zeus those names. Zeus is the six child of Titans Cronus and Rhea Cronus the ruler of Titans and supreme god at

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