
Essay On The Role Of Zeus In Hesiod's Theogony

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Zeus was the youngest of the children born from Kronos and Rhea. Kronos swallowed all of the his children one by one because of an old prophecy he had heard that one of his children will overthrow him. When Rhea found out she was pregnant with Zeus, she was not going to let the same thing happen to him, so she gave birth to Zeus in Crete, and tricked Kronos into swallowing a rock, leading him to believe that it was the baby, making all of the other children come back in reverse order, so now the oldest one is the youngest. This made Zeus to now be the oldest, and the strongest, of all of his siblings, being that he was never swallowed. He is the God of the Sky, and also controls thunder and lightning, which he often uses to his advantage. Zeus plays a huge role in Hesiod’s Theogony, as he is portrayed to of been riddled with bad temper, and we see that a lot in some of the actions he takes through it. …show more content…

Though this is true, Prometheus had his doubts about Zeus, as he thought that one day Zeus was going to kill all man, and Prometheus was not going to let that happen. When Zeus ordered that their greatest food be sacrificed to him and the gods, Prometheus had another idea. He craved an ox and separated the meat into two different options for Zeus to choose from, one with all of the good meats inside of the disgusting ox carcass, and the other is fat wrapped around a bone beautifully. When Zeus goes to choose between the two, he picks the fat that looks better, for obvious reasons. Soon, Zeus realizes that he had been deceived into choosing the lesser of the two options and is furious, and decides to take fire from men as the punishment for this. Prometheus takes the fire back, so Zeus decides to do something worse. He gives mankind the first women, Pandora, who ends up being the one who released all evil into the world out of a

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