
Zachary Fagenson's Article

Decent Essays

Fort Lauderdale shooter mental health and possible death sentence

MSN news reporter Zachary Fagenson wrote an article discussing the events that occurred this past week at the Fort Lauderdale airport. Fagenson focused on the chargers the 26 year old ex military Esteban Santiago may face in court, as well as giving an overview of Santiago’s life and mental state.
The article explained Santiago was deployed to Iraq where he served from 2010 to 2011. Fagenson went further into his story by including authorities thoughts and the conclusions they’ve made thus far. Police haven’t figured if terrorism played a part of the shooting, because Santiago was most likely suffering from mental illness. In the article Fagenso stated how in November Santiago had gone to Anchorage in his hometown Alaska where he told the Federal Bureau of …show more content…

The article commenced with reminding the readers of Charleston church, and the 22 year old shooter Dylann Roof who the article focuses on because he is defending himself in his trial because he didn’t want the attorneys to present to embarrassing evidence about him. Sources say in the article that Roof didn’t want evidence about his mental illness to come to the court. Roof also gave a speech in which he declared his sanity and that he doesn’t regret anything.
The article continued to describe the testimonies of people present at the shooting that survived and were relatives to the ones deceased.
Maniscalco wrote that roof is being charged with 33 charges. The court will then have to decide whether to give him life in prison or the death penalty. Though Roof has exclaimed that he would not like the death penalty.
Throughout the article Maniscalco gave bits and pieces of roof’s speech and how he stated that what he did was normal and not a bad thing. The article ended with jurors and everyone having to meet, and in the next trial to discuss the fate of Roof.

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