
David Manson Case

Decent Essays

Appellant’s attorney, Brad Manson stated that the judge in the divorce trial, Honorable David W. Hauber demonstrated prejudice against Darol Rodrock and violated the Kansas Code of Ethics. He believes that the judge was being sarcastic to the attorneys, was high handed with the orders to the Special Masters and strong armed Darol Rodrock to liquidate his estate to force a settlement which violated the Kansas Code of Ethics. The panel asked what Manson wanted them to do in relief of the Ethics violation and his response was that he wasn’t asking them to do anything. Chief Judge Arnold-Burger laughed and said well you said he violated the Judicial Ethic Code and that’s pretty serious. Manson again listed the reasons why he believes Judge Hauber was unethical. The panel again asks, what relief …show more content…

That the judge picked on both sides equally.
The Panel asked Mr. Manson why they didn’t order to recuse if they thought the judge was being unfair and he stated that he didn’t know. He thought that they all wanted the case tried and to move forward. He reluctantly agreed that they were a bunch of old bird trial lawyers that were tough and maybe that is the way the judge should have been but maybe he went too far.
The panel asks if a complaint was filed against the judge. Since one wasn’t the panel now tells Mr. Mason that since they didn’t feel he was so unethical or unfair to file a complaint but instead filed an open public brief accusing the judge of being unethical. The panel then states to Mr. Mason the steps he should have taken if he felt the judge was unethical, by filing in the Judicial Qualifications Commission and move to recuse if they feel he is unfair.
Mr. Mason does not feel that should be done but wants to use it in the argument about the Judge ordering the Special

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