
You Should Date An Illiterate Girl By Warnke Analysis

Decent Essays

Date an illiterate girl. The concept seems simple, blunt, and to the point, but the statement itself isn’t something anyone ever expects to hear. That being said, in “You Should Date an Illiterate Girl” by Charles Warnke, that’s exactly what he does. In other words, Warnke enforces the idea that the illiterate girl, or as he refers to her, the girl who doesn’t read, should be the girl that guys date. Warnke provides a lengthy explanation as to why the illiterate girl is better by basically outlining the life that he will live with her, starting from the second they meet up to the second they die. The outline straightforwardly states how the person dating the illiterate girl will feel throughout events and phases experienced in life that are …show more content…

Even though he does have a strong proclamation as to why the girl who doesn’t read should be dated, his way of writing about her expresses a life that not many people want to live—a life that’s filled with non-meaningful events that just happen like any other causal occasion. Instead of providing lengthy proclamations as to why the illiterate girl should be dated, Warnke relies on choppy and to-the-point sentences to detail the following years to come with the illiterate girl. Warnke writes, “Let the years pass unnoticed. Get a career, not a job. By a house. Have two striking children. Try to raise them well. Fail, frequently. Lapse into bored indifference. Lapse into indifferent sadness.” Rather than fully explaining such events, he simply bullets them as if they happen like nothing. In addition, even as he’s listing these events, Warnke is using certain words that are connected with negativity. There is no positive link in the idea of an indifferent life or even a life filled with an indifferent saddens. Just as the years will pass by unnoticed, so will the life with the illiterate girl, thus proving why she isn’t the better girl to date. Warnke is merely stating the illiterate girl is the better choice because the life lived with her will be simple and won’t be difficult to

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