
York Scholarship Benefits

Decent Essays

When everyone hears the name York College, they look at me like I’m Medusa. They become stoned and mute making me feel as if I made the wrong decision. York College, in many eyes, is “bad” or “you will never find a job if you got to York College”, or “York College is boring, nothing “big” ever happens”. Every day I would hear this cynical comments about my future college. To fight back with society’s beliefs I chose York and I’m going to prove to them that yes by going to York you can get a high standard job and learn the same knowledge you would learn in Baruch College. My major is accounting and after I earn my bachelor’s degree at York I plan to go to a graduate school to get my Master’s degree and become a CPA and CFE. After graduating …show more content…

Not only will it be well used, but it will remain in my mind that I was supported to get my education through a foundation that not only cares about me but my education as well. In addition to going to college and facing new personalities every day, community service has aided to my learning experiences. Being able to take care of cranky elders and cranky little children has increased my patience level. By calmly dealing with people with different altitudes of moods, will definitely benefit in my work experience because different clients will be in the office on different days with different frames of minds. By cooperating with such qualities will assist me in serving my clients better. Not only will this patience level contribute to the society, but I can contribute to the York community by providing adequate help to my peers in subjects that they may be struggling in and/or help in the college in any way that will be needed. For examples, if a professor needs help in grading papers or setting up an open house for one the majors I will support them and help make the best of the program they

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