
Yellow Journalism In American War

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Yellow journalism is a type of journalism that contained exaggerated stories paired with eye-catching photos, drawing many readers. Historians throughout the years have postulated that this is the cause for the Spanish-American War; however this is deceitful. Although many articles were intentionally made to anger Americans, thus causing war, the yellow press had no effect on the decision to declare war against Spain. William Randolph Hearst, a person often credited with beginning the yellow press genre, made an unsuccessful attempt to start a war. President Mckinley had his own reasons to announce war with Spain that were completely unrelated to yellow journalism.
The term-yellow journalism was first used to describe William Randolph …show more content…

Newspapers that did not fit the genre, yellow journalism, also covered stories of the ongoing fight between Spain and Cuba. Two examples are New York Herald and the New York Sun. These newspapers were known for sometimes surpassing even the Journal in the amount of aggressiveness. An excerpt from one of their articles proves without a doubt how antagonistic they could write. They claimed the Spanish were, “guilty of deeds which no other modern army would perpetrate. If there be an American whose blood does not boil when he reads them, or who would not take up arms to put a stop to them, his Americanism is bogus, and is manhood is a mockery of the world.” The yellow press was also not the only one that spread rumors. The New York Press claimed that the first move by the American Navy would be to capture Havana if there were to be war with Spain. Both the New York Press and New York Sun published an article of Weyler’s possible dismissal and departure from Cuba. It is completely unfair to only credit the yellow press for being the only type of newspaper to continuously write aggressively about Spain’s control over Cuba, and then saying they could actually shape the opinions of

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