
U.S. Foreign Policy From 1890-1930. American Foreign Policy

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U.S. Foreign policy from 1890-1930

American foreign policy from 1890-1930 was driven primarily by our businesslike economic and strategic considerations based on American self-interest. With westward expansion over, there had to be a new way for the United States to continue expansion. In the name of maintaining our innovative spirit and political ideology, our conquest for money, resources and trade took us outside of our borders for the first time. After all, how could we continue this upward monetary and resource tick if we didn’t expand? All countries are very self-centered and driven by their own success, and ours is no different in this respect. Going from a country that could large in part be ignored, to a real world power …show more content…

In 1890 the government passed the Naval Act and began to build. Nearly ten years later our fleet had grown to 160 vessels, with 6 of those being battleships. This aggressive approach to a bigger navy brought us from worst to third ranked world power, only behind Spain and Great Britain. During this same time, another influential territory was Hawaii. With American businessman being captivated by its lucrative sugar industry, we quickly made several trade agreements causing nearly all of Hawaii’s sugar production to be exported to the United States.

The Spanish-American War was a war focused on control over Cuba. As previously stated, Spain touted a powerful navy, victory would cause the entire world to notice and give the United States a seat at the international table. Americans took notice of Spanish brutality to Cuban uprisings attempting to gain freedom and were sympathetic to the Cuban people. Fighting for our independence was fresh on the minds of Americans who began to support Cuban freedom from Spain. Dispatching the USS Maine off the coast of Cuba proved to be a fateful strategic move made by President McKinley because just days after on February 15th 1898 the ship was destroyed, killing over 250 sailors. Although believed to be an accident, yellow journalists ran with the story of war receiving overwhelming support from the public. War was declared in April of 1898 and just after

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