For the Family Health assignment, my partner assigned was Cole Hornbrook. We’ve known each other since elementary school, but we’ve always sat on the far opposite sides of the room and minded our own businesses in all the classes we’ve had together. I don’t think we’ve actually had a whole conversation face-to-face with each other, so this analysis should be interesting in finally getting to know each other after all those years. Race is a parallel need but Cole is Caucasian and I’m Vietnamese-American (Choosing a Partner). I’ve always pictured myself marrying another Asian person, but it’s fine as long as we’re both not racist. I envision that we could have a successful long term relationship due to our compatible personalities (ENFJ vs.
This lady lives alone, which is the situation 2.5 million people over 75 find themselves in the UK(office for national statistics, 2015), the population of the United Kingdom over 75 is projected to double over the next 30 years (, 2015) . She has bilateral age related maculopathy this affects less than 3.3% of the older population. Augood et al (2004). She does live with family and this will give good motivation to try to and make the best of her remaining vision in order to help her play with her grandchildren, the fact that her granddaughter is able to bring her to the appointment is also very helpful as any advice can (as long as the patient gives permission) can be relayed to his daughter to reinforce particularly in the correct
The Johnson family reports getting 7-9 hours of restful sleep each night. Mother works a swing shift and has more difficulty feeling rested after getting out of bed. She reports having an occasional glass of wine to fall asleep. No one else in the family uses sleep aids or alcohol to fall asleep (Johnson family, personal communication, June 24, 2012).
Chesterfield County, Virginia has a population of about 328,000 as of January 1, 2014 with 752 people per square mile. There was a 3.6% increase in the population from April 1, 2010 to July 1, 2013. 65.4% of the population is white non-Hispanic, 21.6% are black non-Hispanic, 7.2% are Hispanic, 3.2% are Asian and 2.1% are two or more races. In 2012 there were 3657 births and 1654 deaths in Chesterfield County. They are rated as being safer than 50% of the cities in the US with 41 violent and 1049 crimes against property (Crime rates for Chesterfield, VA, n.d.).
This author’s personal perceptions concerning patients facing a lingering terminal illness, have been shaped by over 20 years of critical care nursing experience. Facing death and illness on a daily basis requires self-examination and a high degree of comfort with one’s own mortality, limits and values. Constant exposure to the fragility of life forces respect for the whole person and the people who love them. A general approach to patients who are actively dying is to allow them to define what they want and need during this time. The nurse’s role
P3,Whatever job you want you need skills and qualities for it, this helps you with your job without this it would make it hard to know what you're doing and hard to adapt to the job. Nursery teachers look after young children from 3 years old to 5 years old.
Obesity was significantly more prevalent amongst female African Americans in this community. With the highest rate affecting women between the ages of 45 to 64. Obesity was also higher amongst Black females who’s educational attainment was lower
Measles was discovered in the 19th century by a Persian Doctor, but was not recognized until 1957 as an infectious agent in human blood by a Scottish physician. In 1912 measles became a notifiable disease and in the first decade that records were kept there was on average 6,000 deaths per year reported from the disease. (Center For Disease Control). There is no definite origination of measles but scientists believe that it dates back to the Roman Empire about the 11th and 12th century (NCBI, 2010). The first outbreak known in America was in 1657 in Boston,
Family health assessment is an integral part of the formula used in creating a customized plan of care for the families’ health care. Family health assessment is also a tool that can be used to identify and evaluate the family’s health concerns, their life style and also helping families make good decisions regarding their family’s health. Family’s perception towards health and health promotion could be very different and unique, which makes the Family health assessment even more challenging for the nurses and health care professionals. Nurse’s have a moral obligation towards the society to help them promote their families health. The
In the United States we are very fortunate. For the most part we do not live in fear of disease outbreaks from day to day. Our government along with the Centers for Disease Control and Public Health Departments have managed to have adults and children vaccinated and set up recommendations regarding those vaccinations. Despite all that is done our country allows freedoms. One of these freedoms is to not vaccinate your child from communicable diseases due to personal beliefs. With the worlds populations becoming more mobile, that sets your child up for dangerous encounters; because some countries are not as strict on laws regarding vaccinations and some
As the society we live in continues to transform, nurses need a comprehensive tool to assess family’s health patterns. Family units are influenced by environment, biological, mental, social and spiritual factors. Assessing these areas for health promotion and disease prevention will take all of these influences into consideration (Edelman & Mandle, 2010). A priority to a family focused health assessment approach is to adequately question, assess and examine these areas. A tool to assist a family health assessment using a family focused approach is Gordon’s 11 Functional Patterns. This paper will use these 11
A comprehensive family assessment provides a foundation to promote family health (Edelman & Mandle, 2011). 1987 Marjorie Gordon purposed 11 functional health patterns to use for guidance in order to facilitate nurses to have a frame work for the family assessment in. Gordon’s 11 functional health patterns help organizes basic family assessment information. This standardized format will guide nurses to complete the family assessment using system approaches, which will identify a patient’s
This is for individuals who are lacking the mental capacity and need somebody else to help them manage their legal, financial and health problems. The mental capacity act therefore made it legal so that those who are unable to make their own decisions have the ability to choose somebody who they feel they can trust to help manage their finances, properties and to help make their health and welfare decision. This is done through the power of attorney. This act links to individuals who suffer with dementia as within the late stages of dementia they will need to give someone the power of attorney due to the fact that they will not be able to manage their legal financial and health problems.
One’s colour, religion and families origin should not interfere with the happiness between the couple. A publication by the University of Toronto Scarborough furthers this notion of love and relationships; yet explains there are many barriers and challenges which many interracial couples strive to overcome.
work with individual families and with families as an aggregate within the population (Clark, 2003). Several areas will be presented such as biophysical, psychological, physical environmental, sociocultural, behavioral and health system considerations. The data obtained during family health assessment enable the nurse to make informed decisions about the health care needs of families (Clark).
Americans today are faced with a number of health issues, mainly as a result of poor diet, lack of exercise, and lifestyle choices; but, of course, genetics does play a part. My family, for example, has a history of several issues. My father suffers from diabetes and asthma, which my children have as well. My older sister and I both suffer from stress, which is most likely causing our chronic heartburn and my headaches; and, both my husband and I are borderline obese, which is a gateway disease to many others. While some of these issues are linked genetically, many of them are due to lifestyle, which can be viewed as both negative and positive. Negative because we brought these ailments onto ourselves, but positive because we can