
Xbox One Comparison

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Whilst comparing two pieces of hardware, one of the more important, in my opinion, aspects to look at is the design.
The Xbox one is not really a marvel of design, the 7-pound, 13.1 x 10.5 x 3.25-inch Black beast is big and imposing. Besides the alternating panels of glossy and matte plastic and lots of ventilation slots there is not much to say about the Xbox one’s design. Overall the Xbox One is just a big heavy box.
However Microsoft doe make up the size by adding a large amount of ports including three USB 3.0 ports, HDMI-in, HDMI-out, Ethernet, IR Out, and a secure lock slot.
The PS4, being the smaller model at 6.1-pound, 10.8 x 12 x 2.08-inch is nice and compact, and its angular design helps to make it look modern. Like the One, the PS4 has both a glossy and a matte …show more content…

The PS4’s DualShock 4 controller is the more innovative controller, featuring a clickable touchpad and LED light bar in the top that can display a player’s in-game status, usually by changing colour depending on amount of health left, and can also be used with the PlayStation Camera for motion control.
The DualShock 4 also has a curvier body with the shoulder buttons and bumpers sitting more comfortably at the top and the Face button have been increased in size when compared with the previous generation controller.
The Xbox controller has been considered by many, including myself, to be the gold standard of gaming, with the D-pad and left thumb stick trading places so the thumb stick is in the more optimal position, but Microsoft have revamped it for the One by improving the feel of the sticks and changing the D-pad so it’s no longer all attached on one large circle of plastic making the directions stand out more clearly. Also adding another set of rumble motors for better haptic

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