
Writing Class Reflective Report

Good Essays

Now that we are near the end of this class my lack of writing skills has come into focus. What I have learned in this class has given me confidence and conquers my feeling of intimidation when it comes to writing. I never enjoyed school and did not put much effort into my prior education. As a result, I have struggled with my writing process throughout the years. I would feel intimidated when the need to express myself in writing was necessary, such as job applications or run reports required in my current job. My lack of effort coupled with an inadequate process has led to more than one embarrassing situation for me. I believe that this course has helped me improve and also taught that putting forth more effort and ongoing education is well worth my time.
My old writing style was simplistic. I would just write what I was thinking, then do some minor editing, such as a spelling check, and call it good. Every once in a while my lack of effort would lead to my embarrassment professionally, but this was just a reflection of my poor writing skills, not for the performance I was writing about i.e. EMS run reports. None the less those situations left me feeling inadequate and embarrassed. My process has significantly …show more content…

I like to consider the format of my essay, organize the sections and write ideas under each one. Somewhat like an outline. I first write the topic at the top of the draft, then section off the introduction, body, and conclusion. If the writing calls for specific areas such as a section dedicated to counter arguments, for example, I will insert that part into the outline. I have also learned to recognize who my audience will be, and that helps me with decisions for adding subtopics to the body. I think about the purpose of my writing and how it relates to the audience. Once I have established my topic, audience, and purpose, I will brainstorm ideas under each outline

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