
Writin Writing Class Analysis

Decent Essays

Throughout middle school my classes were all the same, I showed up, learned, received my assignments, and left. There was one class that was different; it was my Language Arts class. The teacher’s name was Mrs. Lorentsen and she was not the average teacher. For example, in her class we rarely had lectures and I can remember vividly my adventures with her. We completed assignments that were called Independent Study Projects (ISPs), Common Place Books (CPBs), and completed 3D book reports. These are all different ways of presenting information through creativity and problem solving. These foreign type assignments seemed strange at first, as they are different from a traditional classroom setting. I quickly adjusted to her classroom, and learned that I enjoyed this style of learning. Throughout the class Mrs. Lorentsen and I both noticed a commonality in my writing. Putting my thoughts and opinions on paper became a struggle for me. …show more content…

Mrs. Lorentsen was determined to help me on the path of becoming a better writer. We discussed ways to plan writing, as well as appropriate word choice. I even attended a two-day writing camp of which she coordinated. The camp was a gateway for me to become a better writer. I was not aware of this at the time, but Mrs. Lorentsen was attempting to further assist in preparing me for the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT). The FCAT was a standardized test in the subjects of reading, writing, math and science. To my advantage, the writing FCAT was only given in grade eight of middle

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