
English 2 Class Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Diagnostic This year in English II CP, we are analyzing our class syllabus. The three main concepts that stand out to me are measurable course objectives, rules and expectations and the late work policy. This year we will have improvements of reading, writing, and grammar in this course. In this English II class, the three most important things are objectives, rules and expectations, make up and late work policy. In Mrs.Brauckmann’s class she expects her students to be thoughtful, creative writers and to comprehend and evaluate complex text. Students who can “incorporate the critical practices of access, selection, evaluation..” will achieve a higher grade. Students are also expected to create evidence based arguments and convey intricate information. …show more content…

Brauckmann has high expectations for us and has rules we all need to follow. The most important rules for students to follow are to be respectful to everyone and to have our phones turned off and stored away; Having our phones stored away is important because our phones are distracting to us. Mrs.Brauckmann also wants us to be prepared to participate and be productive manner, in example coming class to share and discuss topics. The attendance, make up and late work policy are important because it can help the student get caught up and it’ll help their grade go up. Attendance is very important, missing school a lot really makes your grades decline (not turning in make up works makes it worse too) For excused absences it is our responsibility to meet with Mrs.Brauckmann before or after school to arrange makeup work and we only have three school days to make it up. Mrs.Brauckmann also doesn’t accept late work and makeup quizzes are on friday workshops. In conclusion in English II we will be focusing on being better writers, following all the rules and instructions Mrs.Brauckmann gives us, and having better

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