
Write An Essay On The Beatitudes

Decent Essays

I want start by clarifying that I will strive to be as apolitical as possible and hopefully not start a separate debate over political or religious ideology – I am not taking a side. I am also cherry-picking rather than picking a specific Beatitude – and the reason for this is because I believe elements of each apply and go together with others – interchangeable in today’s context.

Having said all that, I believe that we human beings have a responsibility to our fellow man, our earth, and our God (not in any specific order and not exhaustive), and I see the Beatitudes as guiding principles to be more loving, forgiving, demonstrate humility, giving of one’s self, and merciful; rather than forceful, demanding, contemptuous, revengeful, or callus. …show more content…

For example: being a peacemaker is just as important here in the US as it is on the world stage. The goal of a peacemaker is to promote reconciliation and peace; and when needed, restore peace. When leaders have opposing or tempestuous passions – conflict arises rather than peace. So, as a leader – being a peacemaker requires being able to forgive some personal transgressions or persecutions and summon the moral spirt to rise above petty revenge or vanity. Not every society believes in the same God or shares the same ideology (monotheistic and polytheistic) – however, most have a sense of what their divine being is/should be like and how followers should act – and I argue they see the traits of being merciful, forgiving, and humility as redeeming and emulating qualities – even in those who do not subscribe to the same belief

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