
World War 1 Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

The beginning of the 20th century in Europe was a prime time. Europe controlled many empires around the world. Its technology was the greatest it has ever been. In 1914, war broke out lasting four long, dreadful years. The war killed millions of civilians and destroyed the economies leaving Europe broken. While militarism and imperialism were also impactful, the alliances stimulated World War I the most. Because of the different sizes of military in different countries, militarism was a large part of prompting the beginning of the war. As large countries start to industrialize, they are able to make mass amounts of armaments. Seeing other countries arm large armies with dangerous weapons makes smaller or less industrialized countries scared. Document D, a speech by Bernhard von Bülow, he says, “...there is no welfare for us without power, without a strong army and a strong …show more content…

During that time period, imperialism was very prominent. Many countries outside of Europe were being colonized by big European countries. Document E shows the amount of countries that Great Britain has colonized. Because they had so many different countries, they had access to different resources to manufacture items or supplies. This could create conflict with other countries that would have also wanted those resources causing a war over land. One war that did happen as a result of conflict over land is the Spanish-American War in 1898. Spain had colonized Cuba, but Cuba eventually wanted their freedom. Americans pushed the government to intervene thus beginning the war. With outside colonies, Great Britain also had more people that could then fight with them in the war. Document F shows how big some colonial empires are in 1913. Britain’s colonial empire was much bigger than everyone else’s. When countries have a large amount of people in their militaries, they aren’t afraid to go to

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