While writing this book, I feel like the author was trying to portray to readers that there is not anything wrong with curious and hardworking. He shows readers that being curious can discover some things you never would have realized. For example, when Christopher found the letters written to him by his mom. If he showed no interest in the mystery and writing things about it, he would have never found the letters. This shows that being curious is okay because in the long run you might find out something you may have never payed any attention to before. The author also shows the readers that working hard can pay off, like when Christopher decides to set more goals to get A’s in Math and Physics so he can attend a university in another town. …show more content…
They could probably relate to it in one way or another. Some students may be going through the same things he’s going through. Some students may have a different way of learning than the majority of people. Just like Christopher, they might have special needs and experience things differently than other who do not have any conditions impeding their growth as students. He also has to work twice as hard as the other students, thanks to his special needs. Although they will go through hard times; they will find the positivity, and curiousness in a situation. They will be able to help people be more optimistic and look at things from a positive perspective even if the situation is bad. This book may appeal to people who are dealing with autism and are going through troubles in high school. I found that this book was a good choice to read for Palumbo’s summer reading. It gives the ability for other students to relate to it, connect with Christopher’s troubles and situations he has gone through and compare them to their own problems. They also can get a sense of learning to multitask, as you find out in the book, Christopher’s really focused on acing that exam alongside finding out who killed Wellington, showing that you don’t have to neglect your other subjects or parts of your life to get good grades. The students can learn to pursue things they understand even if they don’t understand it. In conclusion I think this book should be brought back because students will be able to relate to it and gain a different perspective of high
“He gave up drinking and smoking.” Louie did exactly this, because he knew the potential he had in running, and wanted to reach that potential. Louie is the main character in the book Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. Almost the whole story revolves around him, and his magnificent life. Louie has grown from being a very troubled young boy, to being a very mature, giving, and humble young man.
The last engine of the plan goes out as the crew of the “superman” hurls towards the ground; “Prepare for impact” was a understatement. An american biographical war thriller book, Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand describes Louis Zamperini life as he grows up from getting in trouble to becoming one of the most bravest and strongest people to date. In early childhood, Louis Zamperini grew up getting in trouble as much as possible, but as he grew older he became more of a man due to his new love for running. Running became such a passion and talent it brought him to the 1936 Summer olympics; unfortunately he only came in 8th. Louis later got drafted into the army where he became part of the “superman” crew in the United States Air Forces. Through traumatic events, he gets lost at sea and eventually gets captured to be sent to a camp of war. He faces many obstacles following the rest of the
I believe that ‘True Grit’ properly titles this book. Throughout the story almost all of the characters displayed some of kind of bravery or courage, a.k.a grit(courage and resolve; strength of character). Mattie Ross especially had grit. She was only fourteen when she took on a daring task most people wouldn't, to find fugitives in the “Choctaw Territory” and avenge her father’s death. Mattie was the biggest example of “True Grit”, in my opinion. Another was Rooster Cogburn. He went rode bravely, into a shootout, with four brutal criminals all by himself. Almost all of the characters showed some kind of grit in their own way, but Mattie and Rooster were my favorites.
Unlike Guy Montag, Christopher Boone has a mental disability that makes everyday life a difficult task. Christopher goes to school just like the average fifteen year old and does well in his society at school. For example, Haddon writes, “Then, when I've got a degree in Maths, or Physics, or Maths and Physics, I will be able to get a job and earn lots of money and I will be able to pay someone who can look after me and cook my meals and wash my clothes.” (pg. 44) This shows that not does Christopher like school, but he has a plan for fitting into society better. His plan is to help make his life easier and by doing that he helps
I think the book appeals to everyone who has ever felt rejected, castaway, or uncertain whether their family or friends would accept them if they knew what really goes on under the surface.
The book How They Croaked has many different stories about famous people that died in a terrible way. It has the stories of the deaths of famous kings, queens, presidents, scientist and musicians. People like Beethoven, George Washington, James A. Garfield, Christopher Columbus and Albert Einstein are in this book because their deaths were toe curling.
The author David K. Shipler wrote his book based on field research he got from conducting interviews with various poverty stricken people, information on companies and their effect on said people, and information on the government and its effect on the “working poor”. He investigates the lives of various women and men living in America who are dealing with poverty, trapped in poverty, and trying to escape poverty.
During the Holocaust, many townspeople were aware of the events occurring within the concentration camps. In the book, Night by Elie Wiesel, the townspeople remained complacent with the Nazis. Some people even went as far as taunting the Jews when they were transported through towns. The Nazis during that time had a very strong influence and used fear to incite citizens to remain cooperative.
This case study focuses on Connor, a Year One student diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Observations and assessment of Connor’s specific needs, current level of performance and modifications to the learning and teaching environment currently being made to cater his individual needs will be analysed. Consequently, a range of teaching strategies, assessment strategies and resources to support Connor will be discussed and Individual Learning Plan (ILP) offered. Finally, a reflection on the strategies proposed and their influence on Connor’s learning needs will be detailed.
A comparison between Puritan expectations and Christian expectations of the New World and how these affected their growth as societies.
It is scary when you don’t know anybody and have to try to make new friends. Many of your young childhood friends will stay with you for a lifetime. Today, I am still friends with many of my oldest friends. They have become like family. I want to say that this novel is a great way for people to see how somebody from a diverse population lives. It is a great book from the view of somebody living a completely different life than I have lived. I think it was very well written and is easy to read. This makes it a great teaching tool for children of younger age groups or college students as well. I read this entire book at one sitting because it kept my interest the entire time. I couldn’t wait to see what
Mark passed the test to get in to Germantown Friends School but the principle was unsure because he was deaf. But after a little while he proved that he was able to handle that environment. He got an interpreter to help him but by the time everything was translated it was too late. He was later to be the only Deaf student to graduate from Germantown Friends School. He later attended Gallaudet and realized that he was a normal person and could function just like everyone else. While at Gallaudet he learned a lot about Deaf Culture and also met his wife there. He had a hard life but in the end it is what made him who he was. Every parent who has a Deaf child should read this book so they would understand what they need to do so their child has the most advantage with their education and everyday life. There are many lessons that are taught, like you should not force a child to use a hearing aid because they need to make their own decisions about how they want to live, they might want to try to hear or just stay deaf because that is who they are. I highly recommend this novel to
There are a lot of people who live with autism, and by the time they are adults, are able to take care of themselves. “My autism is the reason I’m in college and successful. It’s the reason I’m in math and science. It’s the reason I care,” (Jacob Barnett). Jacob is a math and physics prodigy, and he lives with autism. All over the internet there are stories about people with autism living normal, or even extraordinary lives. People who work with them learn to accept their quirks and eventually realize that they can function just as well as anyone else. This is one example of someone who learned how to overcome the issues that autism presents, and go on to be something really special.
Everyone at some point in their life has been a student, and Craig struggles with his school. Executive Pre-Professional has always been Craig’s dream high school. Once he gets in, he realizes he is constantly under pressure by the academic expectations. Many people have struggled with education, so the reader can really relate to how Craig is feeling in this situation. Also, Craig has depression, bad sleeping habits, and an eating disorder. These are many things that people can relate to, which makes the book that much better. The reader can really correlate to Craig’s thoughts and feelings at points all through the book. Finally, Craig also experiences multiple relationship problems, from his best friend Aaron, to his crush Nia, and his new crush Noelle. It is certain that the reader can really connect with Craig during his relationship problems. This book is truly an amazing
He shows the children that it's ok to have a disability and people shouldn't let the disability affect their daily lives. For example, one of the students named Thomas had difficulty reading and as a result acted out in every class he was put into. However, when Brad Cohen discovered that he was only acting out because of his disability, he explained to Thomas that he is really able to read and has it much easier than his own teacher. While Thomas would read Brad would make the sounds that he normally makes to should that some people have it worse than others and people need to face their challenges in life. By the end of the movie, Brad’s family accepts him for who he is and Brad even gets an award from the Sally May’s 1st Year Teacher of the Year Award because of how well he taught his students to face life head on even with a