
Work During High School

Decent Essays

Most parents would rather see their child achieve higher academically than seeing them earn minimum wage. Students should not work during high school because they get better grades and have more time for a social life. Although working through high school gives the student more spending money, they should not forego the opportunities that would open to them by getting good grades. They also may be able to receive more work experience by working through high school, but if they drop out, they won’t be making nearly as much money as a high school graduate or someone with a bachelor’s degree. Simple arithmetic would dictate that if a student isn’t working, they will have more time to work on their grades. Instead of having to put on a headset and hand orders …show more content…

Is spending money more important than academic achievements and sleeping? Studies show that only eight percent of students in high school get enough sleep ( That is a staggering statistic. Sleeping an adequate amount of eight hours or more is an important factor for the development of an adult brain. Also, if the student is working, they’re not spending as much time as they could on their schoolwork. That in turn, results in a lower grade point average. The benefits of having spending money doesn’t outweigh the benefits of not working through high school. Work experience can be a great addition to anyone’s résumé. That addition however, is not worth forgoing better grades. The jobs available to high school students are mostly that of minimum wage. A majority of high school students who work, work either in food service or at grocery store positions such as cashier and bagging personnel. Having these types of references won’t give anyone that much of a leg up versus the competition. In the end, the work experience available to students in high school isn’t worth the negative impact on

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