

Decent Essays

Wonder takes place in the year of 2012 in North River Heights, a suburban neighborhood outside of Upper Manhattan. Most of story takes place in a small private school, called Beecher Prep. Wonder is not a story that was just set over a few days, the story took place along the whole school year.
Wonder is about a boy named Auggie, who was born with facial deformities. Auggie was home schooled his whole life due to health problems, but he is now healthy enough to start the fifth grade at a real school. When Auggie goes to school on the first day, and he immediately has problems, none of the kids try to hide the fact that he is different. All the kids stare at him, refuse to sit by him, and whisper to each other about him. Kids began to leave …show more content…

On the first day of school, everyone who saw Auggie quickly judged him and nobody was willing to accept him because he looked different. We always put way too much worry and value into what we look like these days, it is all about who has the most money, looks, and the best body. The main message that the author is trying to deliver was that it’s the inside that counts.
Wonder is by far one of my all time favorite books. If you enjoyed reading Wonder I also recommend these other books listed below! “Mockingbird” by Kathryn Erskine is a book about a girl named Caitlyn who has Asperger’s Disorder. This is a great book with many issues that will help you understand what it is like to have Asperger’s Disorder. This book is similar to “Wonder” because Caitlyn has a disorder and Auggie has facial deformities so society most likely treats them the same. “Stargirl” by Jerry Spinelli is a book about a girl who was homeschooled her whole entire life and she finally enrolled in a real school for the first time. People thought she was odd but she was really just being herself. “Stargirl” is similar to “Wonder” because Stargirl was homeschooled for a long time just like

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