
Women's Role In The Revolutionary War

Decent Essays

“Remember the ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors. do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice, or representation.” Abigail Adams. Strong, powerful, Independent, hard working. All these words describe the women during the revolutionary war. The roles of women in the revolutionary war were a big part in helping America get its independence. Women were responsible for managing house during war and after war but women showed they were just as courageous, patriotic and …show more content…

Some joined a group called the Daughters of Liberty. Daughters of liberty helped stimulate patriotism as well as decrease the colonists dependence on british goods.The daughters of liberty organized boycotts of british goods and encouraged to make homemade supplies for their families. This shows that even from home, women had a huge impact on the revolutionary war. Though many women remained at home during the revolution, some women did not or could not stay at home. This was mostly poor women who had small businesses to run and who could not provide for their children without their husbands. These women became known as “camp followers.” Camp followers followed the army looking for food and protection because because they were no longer able to support themselves. The camp followers became nurses in the revolutionary war caring for wounded and sick men. The majority of them were only getting paid o.24 cents a day but they provided them food while the women were at the campgrounds. Mary Waters and Mary Pricely were two of many nurses that worked in the revolutionary war. There were seven matrons and thirty nurses serving in the military and caring for four thousand …show more content…

One of the many camp followers was named Margaret Corbin who was following her husband during the war. While her husband was on the field, Corbin saw him getting shot and she took his armor and his gun and started fiering untill she got wounded herself. Corbin became the first woman to earn a pension for her service in the war. Women were not allowed to join the military but many women served as secret soldiers during the revolutionary war. These women disguised themselves as men by cutting their hair off, binding their breasts with bandages and using a male name. Many of these women wanted to fight because they wanted to earn money and they wanted the rare opportunity to fight for America's

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