
What Role Did Women Play In The American Revolution Essay

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Roles of Women during the Revolution Contrary to popular belief, men weren’t the only people creating an impact in the Revolutionary War. You often hear the names of male individuals awarded credit for our country’s independence, but women do take on difficult tasks during the war too. I am going to explain the roles women took on, the importance their hard work had, and examples of females that left a significant impact on the war. Women clearly took on the duties of seamstresses, cooks, and maids, but also took on the more interesting jobs of nurses, soldiers, and spies. To begin, many women adopted the position of being a nurse during the American Revolution. Many nurses were previously camp followers, which are wives, daughters, and mothers who followed the army in search for food and shelter since they couldn’t provide for themselves after the men left for war. Nurses usually fed and cleaned the patients, emptied the pots, tidied up the hospital wards and cooked. Nurses additionally invented remedies or innovations to help the patients recover. Two memorable nurses during the war include Mary Waters and Mary Pricely. Mary Waters was a Dublin resident who immigrated to Philadelphia and decided to take …show more content…

Women were not permitted to join the military at the time, but that didn’t stop them. Many women disguised themselves as men by shaving their head, and selecting a more masculine name. This allowed them to serve in the army even though it was prohibited. They did this because without men they were poor and were happy to serve for America’s independence. One strong female soldier was Ann Bailey, a citizen of Boston. She joined the military in 1777 and was promoted to Corporal before it was discovered that she was a women. This resulted in her being imprisoned. After she was released, she tried serving for a second time but it only lasted a few weeks until the jig was up and she was jailed

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